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So... I launched PRO about a week ago and it said 'Updating' and when it was about to finish updating using the patcher, I got an error saying something happened and it reverted the update. I tried three times then removed the files to redownload it. After I redownloaded it and got it all set up in a minute, I tried launching the game but got an error. The moment of getting the error, it notified me of a Virus detected.


If it does matter, I downloaded the files from Mediafire. The virus it detected was from the GameAssembly (forgot what it's called) file. I removed the virus and file and nothing more happened...


I am not sure what this problem is... This never happened before with previous downloads from Mediafire. I am concern due to it saying the virus allows attackers to mess with your device. So if an owner or someone on the team can contact this, I would appreciate it.


I would have posted this earlier but I was busy this week...

Lucas The Riolu.

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Hi SnivyX, sorry for the inconvenience this issue has caused you.


Pokemon Revolution Online doesnt have any virus' but some antivirus detect it as trojan, there is a simple method for playing PRO when you anti-virus flags it as a trojan:


  • Disable your Firewall and Antivirus.
  • Download PRO again.
  • Add the entire folder to exceptions in your Firewall and Antivirus.

With this done you should be able to play PRO again.


If after following the above procedure you are still having trouble please let me know and I will continue to help you to the best of my ability.



Please do not contact staff for private support, post your question in the appropirate subforum as others may have the same problem.

All unsolicited message will be ignored for the above reason.


* General support * Bug resolution center * report center * Discipline appeals * Game guide *

Thanks for replying. It did mark it as Trojan. Thinking back to it, I believe it was the Windows Update on July 9th since everything was fine before it updated. I looked at the update log and it updated all kinds of security stuff so I guess it's mistaking the game as a virus. I'll go ahead and try to download it again and mark it as safe with Windows Defender. I will reply later today and see if it works when I get time!

Lucas The Riolu.

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