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Unfair ban


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When the announcement came on discord that servers are back i opened the game immediately played 1-2 random battles the closed for it due to some work then again i started the game it said you are banned ???? But i havn't done anything !!


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When the announcement came on discord that servers are back i opened the game immediately played 1-2 random battles the closed for it due to some work then again i started the game it said you are banned :ChikoritaWTF:? But i havn't done anything !!

Hello @ankitbad,


I am sorry for the inconvenience.


Here in the General support nobody is going to answer why you are banned.

If you want to find out why you are banned or you feel like it is unjust, you should appeal. You can do that in the Discipline appeals.


I wish you good luck with your appeal and have a nice day!


Kind regards, Contrary

General Support | PRO Official Discord | Bug Resolution Center

Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can be of use to others.

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