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Shadows Clan-Recruiting Again! :) with new slots ^^

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Ingame name: Babipukimak

Badges/playtime: 16 badges/ 110 hours of playtime

Your goal in pro: trading and making money

Can u use discord while playing? Sure

What timezone do you belong to? +8 GMT

Why should we accept you: Entertainment

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  babipukimak said:
130912 Ingame name: Babipukimak

Badges/playtime: 16 badges/ 110 hours of playtime

Your goal in pro: trading and making money

Can u use discord while playing? Sure

What timezone do you belong to? +8 GMT

Why should we accept you: Entertainment

join our discord bro to know you more

[glow=red]>>[/glow] https://discord.gg/0nQ4GrhGfYAGwrUA [glow=red]<<[/glow]


  • 2 weeks later...

Ingame name:Lasrever

Badges/playtime: Just started!

Your goal in pro: To catch every poke I can!

Can u use discord while playing? yes I can

What timezone do you belong to? NA East Coast

Why should we accept you: I have an extensive understanding of the poke's, and a winning personality.

  • 3 weeks later...

My IGN is Rukii, i have 16 badges and 233 hours of playtime, i am able to come on discord. My goal in pro is to PvP and have fun. My timezone is gmt +0, you should accept me because i love this game and this would be more enjoyable with more people right? so why not bring me in.


Ingame name:r3lax

Badges/playtime:16 badges and 226h

Your goal in pro: to become best dragon trainer in whole pro

Can u use discord while playing?sure

What timezone do you belong to? UTC+02:00

Why should we accept you: active player , none ever had problem with me. Friendly guy and im the guy who looking to have good time in pro

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