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CatchMMO Please Change. (Other System)

Guest Isaac


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Guest Isaac

Hello all, I came up with an idea to run a breeding system instead of just catching wild pokes and using them. When I started this game and saw my Pokemon's Iv's I wanted to cry. Since I thought someway we could breed for better pokes, just found out you just catch and see what happens. Well it would be pretty simple in my opinion to input a breeding system into PRO for players to get 6*31' easier than just catching random pokes. Also not just for iv's maybe we can breed for natures as well, It would be nice. Or maybe instead of breeding we could buy certain Pokemon off of a shop so we can get exactly what we wan't. Can the PRO community and developers please find a way to input a better way to get better iv stats, as they do matter in competitive battling and will attract more players, and also will get more tournaments started. Maybe you could also make a battle simulator system so for tournaments you can just make the team you want just for the tournament, and test your skills against other players. Seems resonable to me. It isnt fun battling with a Jolteon/Starmie with 0 ivs in speed and 0 sp.att it makes battles more stressful and slow.


Thank you for reading this. Have a nice day ~

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Let me clarify exactly why we wont have breeding here (and that why it will never change).


Breeding effectively kills off the point of ectended hunting. If you found 1 decent ditto you cou

ld effectively breed lots of decent stat rare pokemon, instantly flooding the game with countless pokemon, ruining the point of hunting, and driving peices down of good otherwise expensive pokemon.


People will stop hunting after they have found 1 rare pokemon and would just use the breeding system, which IMO doesnt belong in an MMO environment. The only half decent pokemon MMO out there that actually has breeding is PokeMMO, yet every day i speak to people who say the breeding culture has ruined an otherwise fun experience.


So, we will be avoiding that mistake entirely.


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Catching > breeding, glad that it doesnt get implemented here


besides that all your arguments are pretty much not valid. it doesnt slow down battling at all cause noone will have 6x31 pokemon. if u fight with 6x20 vs 6x20 or 6x31 vs 6x31 , the outcome is the same. u arguing like u will be the only one who cant get access to 6x31 pokes , but that isnt the case. u dont need 6x31 comp pokemon, but i guess thats just the spoiled generation of other pokemon mmos.

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I have no idea why you, and so many other's for that matter would possibly want breeding in game [lack of passed Pokemon MMO experience with breeding implemented is the only reason I can possibly conclude with] I don't think you are aware of the effect and aftermath of breeding at all. It would flood the market with ridiculous over powered, close to perfect IV Pokemon and crash the prices heavily.


It would also render the presice aspect of a Pokemon game completely useless. To CATCH.


Why would you possibly want that?


It's so much more more competitive, fun and challenging without it, many great Pokemon MMO's have failed because of having breeding available. Being able to catch wild-comp Pokemon is literally the most fun thing you can do. Wouldn't you want the proud, satisfaction of catching a wild 2x31 2x27 1x25 1x22 Hasty Gastly, after countless hours or days of hunting? Instead of mindlessly breeding over powered IV/Natured Pokemon. I for one would much rather be rewarded for my hours of dedication.


Not having breeding will also stabalize the economy and not crash the market for ridiculously underpriced comps, good IV wild finds would actually be worth something, and that's how a Pokemon MMO should be. Dedicate to your catches, earn cash as a reward. Wouldn't you want to be rewarded for all the effort you put in to find a nice wild-catch? By either using it yourself, or selling it on for a hefty amount?


I can honestly say now, hand on heart, if the PRO team ever implement breeding, I quit. Full stop.


Anyway, that's the end of my rant. I sure hope I managed to change yours, and other's who are for-breeding's minds.

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I have no idea why you, and so many other's for that matter would possibly want breeding in game [lack of passed Pokemon MMO experience with breeding implemented is the only reason I can possibly conclude with] I don't think you are aware of the effect and aftermath of breeding at all. It would flood the market with ridiculous over powered, close to perfect IV Pokemon and crash the prices heavily.


It would also render the presice aspect of a Pokemon game completely useless. To CATCH.


Why would you possibly want that?


It's so much more more competitive, fun and challenging without it, many great Pokemon MMO's have failed because of having breeding available. Being able to catch wild-comp Pokemon is literally the most fun thing you can do. Wouldn't you want the proud, satisfaction of catching a wild 2x31 2x27 1x25 1x22 Hasty Gastly, after countless hours or days of hunting? Instead of mindlessly breeding over powered IV/Natured Pokemon. I for one would much rather be rewarded for my hours of dedication.


Not having breeding will also stabalize the economy and not crash the market for ridiculously underpriced comps, good IV wild finds would actually be worth something, and that's how a Pokemon MMO should be. Dedicate to your catches, earn cash as a reward. Wouldn't you want to be rewarded for all the effort you put in to find a nice wild-catch? By either using it yourself, or selling it on for a hefty amount?


I can honestly say now, hand on heart, if the PRO team ever implement breeding, I quit. Full stop.


Anyway, that's the end of my rant. I sure hope I managed to change yours, and other's who are for-breeding's minds.


pretty sure id quit as well, the no breeding aspect got my main interest in this game as it was the time i had most fun in my previous mmo before they implemented breeding,

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