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still didn't get my reward from chimchar WQ


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Hi guys, i still didn't get my reward after getting 0,54% of the total ivs. Is it only me or are you guys still overlooking the people with sufficient ivs.

I would love to hear something that makes it more clear.

Kind regards,

Bart van Slagmaat

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Hi guys, i still didn't get my reward after getting 0,54% of the total ivs. Is it only me or are you guys still overlooking the people with sufficient ivs.

I would love to hear something that makes it more clear.

Kind regards,

Bart van Slagmaat


Hello @Duifjo,


I'm sorry for the inconvenience and the delay.

I would like to inform you that our Developers are currently working on the case and we will inform you as soon as we have any information about that.


Please, be patient in the meantime and remember that there is no estimated time as for when we will be able to provide you with any news about this specific case as it might take a bit.

We will then inform who has to be rewarded and when through our OFFICIAL PRO DISCORD, so you can stay tuned there.


As this has been resolved, i will now lock this thread.


Have a wonderful day!

Kind regards, Livana.

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