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Guild Chat is dead and we are the ones that killed it. It pains me to say this but guild chat in game is dead. Over 12 members online at one time and rarely anyone using guild chat and even when they are I can't focus on it because I am too busy on another tab. Our guild chat in discord is booming while our actual guild chat in game is dead and this sad fact is mainly due to poor chat mechanics.




The problem lies with having to make a choice between all, battle and trade with those taking priority due to the necessity to use them and that they are more practical but I think we can circumnavigate this issue by making guild chat messages appear whichever tab your opening, even if your not on guild chat tab. A command for replying to guild chat such a /greply or /gchat would allow users to reply on guild chat no matter which tab they are on.

This solution would help bring guild chat back to life for sure and make it easier to use and keep up with for everyone.





Please provide your feedback on this and any suggestions to help improve overall guild experience in the game

To be or not be that is the question





ShadowRanger|Silverpokelogoprofile.jpg Server|PseudoCode

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[ATTACH type=full" alt="101139]101139[/ATTACH]?


The issue that remains now is seeing guild chat messages in the middle of trade chat for example. Or is there a thing for that too :SquirtleShy:

To be or not be that is the question





ShadowRanger|Silverpokelogoprofile.jpg Server|PseudoCode

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