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Dear Pro Team,

This is a serious issue of the bug on evolution. I had a Prinlup of level 97 and leveling it. When it reached level 98, it didn't show me for evolving the pokemon. I guess there is a bug on that.

I want it to be fixed so that I can evolve it peacefully and hope so there would be no more bugs in the game. I like this game a lot. Anyways it is Silver server.


Thanking You,


Edited by laron


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Dear Pro Team,

This is a serious issue of the bug on evolution. I had a Prinlup of level 97 and leveling it. When it reached level 98, it didn't show me for evolving the pokemon. I guess there is a bug on that.

I want it to be fixed so that I can evolve it peacefully and hope so there would be no more bugs in the game. I like this game a lot. Anyways it is Silver server.

[ATTACH type=full" alt="Screenshot_2019-08-29-01-14-13-1-1.png]102619[/ATTACH]

Thanking You,



Hello @laron,


I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.


Could you please try the following to see if they help you evolve your Prinplup.


‣ Restart your client.

‣ Completely close and re-open your client.

‣ Let the pokemon faint, close the client and re-open, battle a pokemon.


Please let me know if any of the above help,


Looking forward to your reply.

Kind regards, Livana.

[CENTER][IMG]https://i.ibb.co/7WTk06f/ezgif-1-99c8047e4ad8.gif[/IMG] [COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/general-support.35/']General Support[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://discordapp.com/invite/98pMNxq']PRO Discord[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/game-guide.13/']Game Guide's[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/mapping-bugs.28/']Mapping Bugs[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/pro-rules.188/']Rules[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(255, 105, 180)]Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Unsolicited messages will be eaten by dementors[/COLOR][/CENTER]

Hello Livana,

Thank you for your service. It helped me alot and glad to be in your pro game. If any problem happens again, hope your team helps quickly.





Hello @laron,


I am happy to hear the suggestions above helped you.


As this has now been resolved, I will now lock this thread.


Have a lovely day.

Kind regards, Livana.

[CENTER][IMG]https://i.ibb.co/7WTk06f/ezgif-1-99c8047e4ad8.gif[/IMG] [COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/general-support.35/']General Support[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://discordapp.com/invite/98pMNxq']PRO Discord[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/game-guide.13/']Game Guide's[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/mapping-bugs.28/']Mapping Bugs[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/pro-rules.188/']Rules[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(255, 105, 180)]Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Unsolicited messages will be eaten by dementors[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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