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Mental herb not consumed after curse+unburden use.


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If i use curse on unburden poke (hitmonlee) herb is activated but not consumed.

Didnt try to activate it twice in one battle, but this might be possible I guess, I just dont need to put new herb after battle, so some fix is needed.

Edited by Luohan

discord: luohan#1745

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If i use curse on unburden poke (hitmonlee) herb is activated but not consumed.

Didnt try to activate it twice in one battle, but this might be possible I guess, I just dont need to put new herb after battle, so some fix is needed.

Greetings, @Luohan

Sorry for the inconvenience.

i would like inform you curse doesnt make mental herb gets consumed, this is a list of the moves what makes mental herb gets consumed:

Taunt, encore, disable, or Torment, this is the list of moves and this is the list of the abilities: Cursed body and Cute charm.

That would be the moves and abilities what makes you consume your mental herb to make your pokemon get out of that move or ability.


Please, do not hesitate in ask if you have more doubts, i will be glad to help you.

Have a great day,



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