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I noted that there is a thread for reporting staff players is there also a guideline page?

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So i noted that their is a page to report staff but unlike with players where their is a direct outline written by red which outlines all infraction and their level of severity is there a rule guideline perhaps also written by red for staff members that I cant find? I would love to see the that info im not reporting anyone but just to see what the rules are and better inform myself for all future instances going forward.

So i noted that their is a page to report staff but unlike with players where their is a direct outline written by red which outlines all infraction and their level of severity is there a rule guideline perhaps also written by red for staff members that I cant find? I would love to see the that info im not reporting anyone but just to see what the rules are and better inform myself for all future instances going forward.

Hello frostyjoe,


we have very detailed Punishment Policies for players as well as staff members in our staff areas on the forum.

The Public Punishment Policy only outlines what type of infraction one can commit and what type of sanction they may can expect while the detailed one outlines how we sanction certain infractions.

There will not be an open staff punishment policy as we like to keep these things inhouse and not make them public for the greater good of everyone.

We however follow the same formula of different severity types that correlate to certain punishments.


We hold our standards very high and remove staff members who don't fit our standards, the private report forum is exclusive to the GM Leader and Admins therefore even Management can not access those reports.


In a nutshell you can expect any abuse of powers (even in the slightest), misconduct towards players or any form of self-gain with staff powers to be punished.

if you have any further questions please let me know.


Kind regards,


  • Your appeal will be replied to as soon as the case handling staff member is available. We are all just volunteers with real life responsibilities, other interests and limited free time. Spamming your appeal will not yield a faster reply. Bumps every 24 hours will not(!) increase your chances for a faster reply.


  • Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your question on the forum due to it being of use for others. Please use the proper forum as well. Unsolicited messages will be deleted. Thanks.

see below i messed up my message here


Hello frostyjoe,


we have very detailed Punishment Policies for players as well as staff members in our staff areas on the forum.

The Public Punishment Policy only outlines what type of infraction one can commit and what type of sanction they may can expect while the detailed one outlines how we sanction certain infractions.

There will not be an open staff punishment policy as we like to keep these things inhouse and not make them public for the greater good of everyone.

We however follow the same formula of different severity types that correlate to certain punishments.


We hold our standards very high and remove staff members who don't fit our standards, the private report forum is exclusive to the GM Leader and Admins therefore even Management can not access those reports.


In a nutshell you can expect any abuse of powers (even in the slightest), misconduct towards players or any form of self-gain with staff powers to be punished.

if you have any further questions please let me know.


Kind regards,





The Information has been vastly helpful thank you!! I do have a few additional "follow up" questions then. I want to know why they staff has chosen to keep the policy completely 100% a secret can we get a page or at least a verbal binding contract posted on the forms acknowledge at least the existence of said staff guideline with may just a base outline like you just gave me but made some more details sprinkled in like if a staff member brakes an s1 severity infraction against a player what happens as compared to an s5 infraction against a player doesnt have to reference any given rule just what happens if someone brakes that severity of rule. Next question if one believes that they have been committed a wrong doing by a staff how are they to sight a rule they cannot reference if they cannot see the guideline of rules player wont be able to know what staff exceptions their are and if they staff actually did something wrong and will lead to more grey area that the staff can take advantage of while the player has a very strict guideline to abide by that every player can reference in the report and but staff do not so punishment is a mystery is not equal if that is what you going for. Last I would like to just say thank you and that I do believe you guys do clean up you staff pretty well and at least take guidelines on both side from a very serious stance i had an instance myself with a staff member that once i approached other staffers i felt was handled amazingly keep up the good work!!

I want to know why they staff has chosen to keep the policy completely 100% a secret can we get a page or at least a verbal binding contract posted on the forms acknowledge at least the existence of said staff guideline with may just a base outline like you just gave me


First thread is in regards to all staff matters, such as how staff should behave, how staff will be punished if x/y/z happens.

Second thread is the player punishment policy, a detailed version of: This., this includes lenghts of bans and types of bans for certain infraction. We can't necessarily make this entirely public knowledge since it gives people ways to evade certain things but since the most common is already mostly public.

You can expect a warning or a 2-4 day quiet-ban on your first chat offense, a 5-7 day quiet-ban on your 2nd offense and a 10-14 day quiet-ban on your third offense. Those are very common therefore already public knowledge.


As an example of the staff punishment policy, any form of abuse of power for any self-gain such as teleporting yourself around, teleporting players around etc. are subject to total staff removal.

We only give warnings, temp removals, total removals and bans on player accounts as sanctions for staff members.

more details sprinkled in like if a staff member brakes an s1 severity infraction against a player what happens as compared to an s5 infraction against a player doesnt have to reference any given rule just what happens if someone brakes that severity of rule.

The higher the severity the more severe the sanction will be, e.g Severity 1 will always be warnings, we don't instantly temp remove staff members however if a staff member breaks higher staff severity infractions they may be even removed and banned on their first infraction.

We take it very serious when it comes to that type of stuff, especially from a management point of view its just not a good look to have abusive staff members.


Next question if one believes that they have been committed a wrong doing by a staff how are they to sight a rule they cannot reference if they cannot see the guideline of rules player wont be able to know what staff exceptions their are and if they staff actually did something wrong and will lead to more grey area that the staff can take advantage of while the player has a very strict guideline to abide by that every player can reference in the report and but staff do not so punishment is a mystery is not equal if that is what you going for.

If you feel like something is wrong, just report it, the GM Lead or Admins will explain everything to you if its necessary. Mistakes happen, everyone does mistakes however our duty as staff already is to self-moderate ourselves, its no secret that we have in the past removed and banned staff members for abusive behavior, I am no stranger to this kind of things from a player POV. The last thing I would allow in staff, is to have abusive staff members. Apprentice get this shoved down their throat from Day 1.


Last I would like to just say thank you and that I do believe you guys do clean up you staff pretty well and at least take guidelines on both side from a very serious stance i had an instance myself with a staff member that once i approached other staffers i felt was handled amazingly keep up the good work!!

We are there to help players, in the end we are here for the community and staff members with wrong intentions quickly show their true faces and promptly will be removed if abuse occurs.

Its in our own best interest to self-moderate on how we operate, it just creates messes and drama that we don't want to deal with so we rather quickly solve situation try to fix things where its needed. One of those things was transparency, which I believe the current leaders solved for the most part.


If you have further questions, let me know.

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  • Your appeal will be replied to as soon as the case handling staff member is available. We are all just volunteers with real life responsibilities, other interests and limited free time. Spamming your appeal will not yield a faster reply. Bumps every 24 hours will not(!) increase your chances for a faster reply.


  • Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your question on the forum due to it being of use for others. Please use the proper forum as well. Unsolicited messages will be deleted. Thanks.

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