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I accidentally deleted


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  • What if I don't have any screenshot, or if I don't remember any accurate informations about the Pokemon?

In this case unfortunately, we can't do anything for you. We need it to be able to find and restore your Pokemon.


Sorry for you so.. :/


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Ho cancellato per sbaglio un clefairy che era in prestito OT saox16, potresti restituirmi per favore scusami

ok, but I came out and returned from the game I can't provide any photos or data

Greetings, @lupo93

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I have recovered your Clefairy's Saox16 ot, since you had 2 clefairy's deleted with that OT i decided recover both since you didnt gave any details.

Please, keep in mind the next time make a request in our Restore pokemon megathread to make the things easier, if you dont know where you can find this thread just click HERE.


Since your issue has been solved i will proceed to lock this thread.

Please, do not hesitate in create another post for futures doubts/issues, i will be glad to help you.

Have a great day,


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