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I am specifically, but not limited to, looking for the following Pokemon to complete my favorite PvP & Shiny collection:


(Epic denotes 20+ IV Poke)


PVP Poke (High Priority):


- Epic Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite Adamant/Jolly Multiscale 31 Spd 29+Atk (15-25m)

- Epic Drilbur/Excadrill Jolly/Mold Breaker 31 Spd 29+ Atk (15-25m)

- Epic Electrike/Manetric Timid/Lightning Rod 31 Spd 29+Spatk HP Ice (10-20m)

- Epic Pinsir Jolly/Hyper Cutter 31 Spd 30+ Atk (10-20m)

- Epic Larvesta/Volcarona Timid/Flame Body 31 spd 28+ Spatk HP Ground/Ice (15-25m)

- Epic Snivy/Servine/Serperior Timid/Contrary 31 spd 28+ Spatk HP Ground (don't need Fire) (15-25m)


Shiny & other Forms (High Priority):


- Shiny Shroomish/Breloom Adamant/Poison Heal with 20+ IV in Attack and Speed (10-20m)

- Shiny Ralts/Kirlia (not Gardevoir) Trace Female with natures: Timid/Calm/Bold (10-15m)

- Shiny Abra Synchronize low level (2->9) with useful hunting natures (2-3m)

- Shiny Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja Naive/Hasty/Timid/Jolly Protean 20+ in main stats (Spd & Spatk/Atk) (50-100m+)

- Pink Ralts/Kirlia Trace Female with no white or no +Atk nature (3-6m)


These are just the budgets I have in mind. If you have something really special, I wouldn't mind at all paying more!


There is high possibility that I will be interested in any Godly 25+ IV Poke (not on the list, can be off-meta) to add to my collection, so feel free to let me take a look, and I will send you an offer in case I am interested.


Specially, if you have the Poke I am looking for, but would prefer to trade for other epics/rare shinies instead of just Pokedollar, I have prepared two lists, one list for Godly Poke, the other for PvP shinies/forms, that I have available for this exact purpose:


- Godly Poke: https://imgur.com/a/ylycH5a

- PvP Shinies: https://imgur.com/a/leJzTFP


Feel free to take a look! You can contact me via a PM on forum or via Discord Sin#6417 .


I can pay and receive the pokemon in either Gold (main) or Silver server.


Thanks for reading!






Bought List/Lower Priority (mainly for my own record)


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Edited by SinLight
  xChase said:

Have a modest 30spd hp fire h.a serp epic interested?


I do think I know that one. I am looking for something better but thanks for asking :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Bought Shiny Breloom, now specifically looking for a Shiny Trace Female Ralts/Gardevoir. I can pay very well for a nice looking one, so don't hesitate to link me the mon.


A male one is alright too, if the waiting time is rather long.


My contact: Forum, In-game or Discord Sin#6417.

  • 3 weeks later...

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