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Darkrai not interactable after server crash.


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I can't interact with Darkrai at Alucard Castle 3F after server crashed while I was battling him.


The Darkrai that is supposed to defeat you didn't finish me off as the server crashed mid fight. Now that the servers got back online, Darkrai became uninteractable.


On top of that, I can't leave Alucard Castle 3F the designated way, as it says when I walk on the teleporter "A strange magic prevents your escape!".


Please help.

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I did now use escape rope to get out of there, since I was stuck and Darkrai not interactable after the server crash and wasn't now either. Returning back Darkrai was gone and I have now no way of getting into the Dark Realm.


This inconvenience is bothering me really badly as there was no error from my part. The servers crashed for 2 minutes which made me lose my chance. Why are some quest so sensitive that they can be completely broken by one crash. I think I deserve getting the chance of going into the Dark Realm asap so I can get the quest over with.

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