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So eyy.

I'm kind of a veteran of this game with 2.5k hour alrdy. And plays tons of pvp for fun, to win, to win, money, money ,money and money etc. The point is ive been pvp for a long time and its my main thing i do on pro nowdays. My problem is latias/latios. They are pretty important pvp legendaries and i would love to use them. And with my hour im not rly new to the game and should unlock late game stuffs, latis! But my mental simply aint strong enough to fix this.


Some men are simply born with less lemons to make juice, its very unlucky. Anyway ma whole point were if there is any mods willing to let me unluck the evolution-wall for the latis twins by taking some cash away from my account? like 500k or something ish ( not to much plz, me work very hard to feed my ...erm ambitions)?


plz plz plz





Edited by EvilProtagonist
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