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NPC Trainers reset ?



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I was wondering, why are the NPC trainers battling again every week ?

I mean, why is it mandatory to fight them again when we're just going from one place to another ?


I'm slowly learning things about game design and I often don't understand some of the choices that are made in the games, so this isn't a whining post or anything, that's an actual question.


I find it a little confusing, because if players want to battle NPCs again, the game could just leave us a choice : If we want to battle again, we talk to them. If we don't, we ignore them.

I understand why they "reset" and why it is important to be able to battle them again, I just don't get why we are forced to do it.

The CS "Fly" can't be used in the game, and that is understandable, but these two elements combined makes traveling annoying and long, once a week, even if we can dig through caves and all.

It is not a fun element and it does not make the game any harder, because after a certain point (that came really quick for me), we can just one shot every one of their pokemons.

And it's normal, they do not evolve and we do, so if we're not specifically training new pokemons, this has to happen.

So, if it is not something that adds difficulty, fun or anything, is it just meant to... Slow down people ? If it is, I really don't see why, it just makes the game less enjoyable.


I still need to say, it is very different from the pokemon encounters in grass, because you can run away from the pokemons, capture the pokemons, use repels to avoid them, and even avoid some places on your way if you want to avoid pokemons.


Again, I am not just randomly whining, I don't play the game that much and It doesn't disturb me more than that. In fact, I probably took more time writing this post than I took time fighting them for the 2nd time since I started the game, recently enough. What I mean is that I really wonder about the choice to make it this way, I insist on that just to be sure that the thread doesn't go on a random debate about the fact that it isn't that disturbing and all.


So, maybe there's an idea behind this ?

Maybe it is supposed to change but this part isn't done yet ?

Maybe it is impossible or complicated to do ?


If I can find an answer here, I would be quite thankful,

If I'm asking in the wrong place, I would be thankful too if someone could tell me where to ask my question.

If it has already been answered, then sorry, and I would be thankful to have a link to the answer (if it is a real answer).


Thank you in advance !


This is an approximate translation from french to english, if some sentences can't be understood, just tell me and I'll edit

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Your point is understandable, yet there are shortcuts (in most places) to avoid many trainer battles and even so, its recommended to battle trainers many times seeing they are a way to gain EXP and Poke. I guess the developers wanted it to be like that probably to make the fighting process faster and even so, if you beat them, there shouldn't be an issue to just destroy them again :Shy:


Oh, and this is just my opinion. Dunno if the developers perhaps wanted this to be the case.

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PRO is meant to be harder then the normal Pokémon games, they like to add their own little twist to it. you can get fly in game but it doesn't work outside of battle. their is a quest in game to make traveling easier by using the subway system. which if you are going from goldenrod to olivine it will cost you 2.5k but if you go from goldenrod to vermilion it will cost 5k as in the one region its cheaper and going from one region to another It will cost more. so that is one way they implemented to make travel easier for players to avoid trainers. I myself do not fully understand the reason to how to trainer are because I don't know how it was coded or anything. but yeah, they like to give people a challenge, hope this helps.

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Since I started playing a few days ago, I was not aware that this is a feature. I don't understand why this would be an element either. Low lvl trainers don't award a lot of XP or poke$ and generally would only serve to make life annoying(which is never an intended MMO mechanic). Also, this has the side effect of encouraging trainers to avoid battles(due to the fact that the rewards are not worth the 30 secs it takes to wipe someones team spamming the attack key), which shouldn't be part of a game that is all about battling. If they want to increase travel time, there has to be a better way to do it which makes the process of moving more interesting than mashing keys.


On the technical side of things, it is possible that there is no implementation for a third state. State one, trainer seeks trainers and challenges them. State two, trainer is passive and doesn't challenge. State three would be trainer is willing to challenge but will only do so if interacted with(much like game bosses). This state is obviously coded in the game for some NCP's but it might not be coded for all of them. Or, there is no way to transition between state two and state three.

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People say PRO is meant to be challenging but putting up road blocks that are annoying instead of challenging doesn't make it harder. A lot of things in this game I find are annoying rather than challenging. Hell half the time I'm trying to log into the game which is a hurdle in itself. :p But there are better ways to make a challenging game then the direction they are going with.

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each NPC has what is called a LOS (Line of sight). this is what triggers automatic dialogue/battles. to turn it off would mean turning off a critical element of the story, i.e. trainers who flag u down for a battle. we make NPCs Rebattleable mainly as a low level pokemon training outlet.


however it is currently impossible to turn the LOS off after battle


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103524 each NPC has what is called a LOS (Line of sight). this is what triggers automatic dialogue/battles. to turn it off would mean turning off a critical element of the story, i.e. trainers who flag u down for a battle. we make NPCs Rebattleable mainly as a low level pokemon training outlet.


however it is currently impossible to turn the LOS off after battle


Would it be possible to code an option "battle" answer: "yes" / "no" wherefore the "no" option can only be selected, if you have 16 badges? Furthermore, "no" activates the usual CD of one week. Therefore, you don't need to deactivate the LOS but give players who finished the storyline a chance to simply deny the battle. Since I have only a very limited knowledge of codeing and algorythms, I have no clue, if such an option is either possible or, if yes, too complicated.

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Thanks for the answers, all of these points of view are interesting.


From what I understood, this element is caused by technical difficulties, because turning off the LOS after battle is impossible at the moment.

Still, it makes me wonder, does the Gym Leaders have a LOS, or are they created in a completely different way ?


I find the answer of MacCollin smart, if it is a technically possible one.

But since I had my answer, the possible ideas for changing this element of the game should probably be discussed in the "Suggestions" forum. Therefore, this topic should probably be considered solved or be moved to the "Suggestions" area.



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