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Hello @rajkkapadia .


what are the rewards you get for top 25 in pvp?


You can find the rewards for getting ranked Top 25 in the Ranked PvP Ladder by looking at The PvP Season Results Sub-Forum .


This information below is directly from the November Season Post:


  • Normally, 1st Place will receive 700 PvP coins, 2nd place 695, and so on.
  • Top ladder guilds shall receive 25% EXP Boost for the entirety of the next season!
  • Top 25 players from each server are eligible to enter the ladder tournament and win epic Pokemon and other cool rewards!
  • Top 25 players from each server have access to Tutor Heaven!


The Ladder Tournament prizes can be found in any of the recent Ladder Tournament Posts, such as our Most Recent Post.



With the recent changes, the winner of the ladder tournament has now the chance to choose one between two possible rewards + 1x Reroll Ticket :



- A tradeable Pokémon of the one written into THIS REWARD LIST with IV 31 22 27 30 25 26 spread as the winner most prefer, as well as nature and ability chosen by the winner




- Untradeable Shiny Pokémon contained into THIS REWARD LIST with the Main Stat 31 IV and all the other IV centered around 20. Nature and ability chosen by the winner.



2nd Place: 1x 60-days MS UnX8OwH.png + 1x Reroll Ticket Yq2MImq.png


3rd Place: 1x 30-days MS 12v05Y4.png


Toxicity leads to a Toxic Orb Tixuc.png instead of the prizes above.


If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to reply, or post in the proper subforum.


Have a nice day!


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