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PvP quests & market


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I know that there have been attempts to better the PvP scene because of its current, stale meta. The Gale Wings suggestion seems to be really divisive, so I wanted to try to figure out other possible fixes. I have two suggestions, but please bear with me, as both are still in their preliminary stages and could be vastly improved or rephrased.


  1. PvP quests: They could be on a daily or weekly basis, and timely completion would not refresh them. Instead, you would have to wait until their allotted time naturally runs out. These would be an incentive to diversify the meta and get more people to engage in PvP. They would be randomized to avoid breaking the economy. As such, each player would get random, different quests. I am not sure about the number of quests (1-3?), the frequency (daily or weekly?) or reward (perhaps 1 PvP coin?). Examples: "Win 1 PvP match using Electivire"; "Win 2 PvP matches using 4 Water-type Pokémon per match"; "Win 3 PvP matches without using a Steel-type Pokémon"; "Win 1 PvP match using 6 Pokémon that start with the letter C"; etc.
  2. Market: I am not sure about the feasibility of this suggestion, but I think it would be really cool if we had a trading post with a "WTB" and a "WTS" feature. You would, for example, be able to sell a Pokémon by choosing whether people can bid and insta, only bid, or simply insta. There would be a time limit, and the highest bidder would win the Pokémon after the bid ends. However, for instas, the buyer can acquire the Pokémon instantly. The seller should not be allowed to lower the insta price if there is already an offer, but should be able to do so if there are no offers. This would also allow people to try to buy any Pokémon by indicating the name, the ability, the nature, the range of IVs, and the price that are desired. An interested seller with a Pokémon matching those criteria would then be able to validate the offer. I don't expect the "WTB" feature to be too successful, because people tend to be picky with Pokémon and/or make low offers for what the Pokémon is worth (e.g., WTB Rough Skin 31 Spe, 25+ Atk Gatchomp for 400k).


Please let me know what you think of both suggestions. Feel free to comment if you have any improvements or just want to share your opinions! Thank you.


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