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I took a ferroseed for level train. But I forgot to add him as a friend.

Please pm me who gave me this for level up. In game name MasterSam and Discord ID ShadowClaw#4959

[ATTACH type=full" alt="IMG_20200121_221921.jpg]123625[/ATTACH]


Hello @MasterSam.


After looking into our tools, a user by the name of HiHelloByeBye traded the Ferroseed with ID 42289918 to you on January 21st at 12:40 PM GMT +0. I would recommend messaging this user on the forums, and continue to look for them in-game.


Let me know if you find the user, or if you need any more assistance. Please do not hesitate to reply if you have questions or concerns.

As such, I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day!





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