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[Adjustment] Fishing hook rates.


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Hey everyone.


I suggest significantly raising the hook rates for fishing. I understand that hook rates were lowered on purpose because of 'the annoyance of it' (according to a mod) but I don't even really understand what that means tbh.

Anyways right now the encounter rates for fishing are beyond abysmal. I repeatedly get 3-5 minutes wait time until I get a single encounter from fishing regardless of location, which makes fishing in itself a pointless waste of time and also impacts the difficulty of training a lot of low lv grass and electric type pokemon in a major way.

To quote another player from chat: 'I would rather hook 20 karps in a row than nothing at all'


Please make fishing viable again, and have a great time^^

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I concur. The only downside I can see is that improving fishing might incentivize more cheatings with automated softwares, as I assume it should be harder to catch cheaters fishing than them running around. i remember there was a ban wave years ago which eliminated lots of automated players who fish in Dragon Den.


Aside from that, I agree, getting a mon, even a karp, is more excited than getting nothing at all.

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  • 2 months later...

I also think the hook rate needs to be raised significantly. I just wasted the whole day, trying to catch a Relicanth. With the curent hook rate it is virtually imposible to catch a tier 8 pokemon.

I fished for nearly 8 hours and hooked about 100 pokemon, and of ourse no Relicanth.

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