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How old are you and where are you from?

I'm 19 and I'm  from algeria

Why would you like to join Trinity?

because why not 🙂

What is the highest rating you've ever got?

high 300s low 400s

How much hours did you play PRO so far and how many hours do you play right now?

1032h so far . and I play about 2 hours daily

What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity?

donating from time to time 🙂

Add a picture of your trainer card in the application.

can I skip this part lol

What is your Discord ID?


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How old are you and where are you from? i have 18years and i'm from in french 

Why would you like to join Trinity? for learn pvp 

What is the highest rating you've ever got? 100

How much hours did you play PRO so far and how many hours do you play right now? i play 6hours+ per day 

What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity? my gaming experience 

Add a picture of your trainer card in the application.

What is your Discord ID? Valentin#9547



hello i want to apply for trinity guild

1.how old are you where are u from?

im 19 years old im from st lucia


2.what is the highest rating you ever got 



3.do you play pro daily?how many hours?

i play pro 2-8 hours a day.i have 410hrs


4.what else other than rating can u contribute to trinity 


i can help the new comers and help the members build their boss teams and pvp teams 


5.what is your discord?



Edited by FrostyAppleGx

How old are you and where are you from?

im 20yo and im from Vietnam

Why would you like to join Trinity?

i want to go to guild island

What is the highest rating you've ever got?

My highest rating is between 150 and 200

How much hours did you play PRO so far and how many hours do you play right now?

i play PRO 3-6 hours per day

What is your Discord ID?



How old are you and where are you from? - 19 year old from india

Why would you like to join Trinity? - Looking to grow more in PvP 

What is the highest rating you've ever got? - 284( I can guarantee minimum 100rt even when im busy irl)

How much hours did you play PRO so far and how many hours do you play right now?- 700hrs+ playing PRO for atleast 2 hrs daily

What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity?- I can lend some mons(got some reallly great ones)

Add a picture of your trainer card in the application.- Below

What is your Discord ID?-  Saransh#8498


Edited by Saransh2848


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