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Sekiro : Same mistake done twice


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Good morning PRO team,


I'm opening this thread because of an issue I've met this morning. I wanted to sell a pokemon on the trade chat, and I dragged the wrong mon. That resulted on an absurd offer, and people came to me expecting they'd be the first to settle the bargain.


Of course, I apologized to all of them. However, as I always do when posting offers in the trade chat, I copied-pasted my offer, and didn't change it after the first error. That resulted on me posting the same thing a second time.


I got insulted a lot of things, so I tried to explain the situation, but I believe I got reported a fair number of times. I'm willing to discuss it here and do whatever good deed required as a gesture of good faith. I've been a player of this game for some years now, never had any problems before - and even considered applying for a mod post, so having this stain on my file bothers me to no end.


Thank you kindly for your answer.

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Hello Firefight,


I am so glad of your honesty and that you are willing to find solutions. Can you please explain for me the situation with more details so that If there is anything misunderstood I can figure it out, also screenshots would be a great help.

Looking forward for your reply.






Only in the darkness can you see the stars.~

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Hello Haruyukio,


Thank you for your answer. As for the situation :


I wanted to sell an Aron for 110k this morning (around 11am, Paris hour if I'm correct) so I typed my message in trade chat and posted it. As I usually do when selling, I copied my message so I would take a lesser amount of time to repost if I didn't sell it fast.


Now here's the thing : I dragged my Ferroseed (position 5) instead of said Aron (position 6), copied the message and sent it. Being fairly good, I received a rather high number of demands, which I politely declined, explaining it was a mistake. But I just...forgot I hadn't changed the mon in my copied post, so I pasted my message and sent it again.

I believe it was at this moment people got upset, and I received a new batch of dms, some forgiving, others not at all. Since scamming is a serious issue, I thought it better to explain myself before any action is actually taken.


Here's a sample of the stuff I received after the second post. I'll admit I might've been a bit sarcastic with some of the more aggressive ones.


Thank you again for your time,



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I'd have usually agreed with you, but since I did it two times, I'd rather be careful and not trust some people's ability to get over it. A useless post is harmless, but no post where one is needed can hurt in many different ways. No risk will be taken here.

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You cant get banned for posting the wrong pokemon, some1 does it every 10-20mins in trade chat its usually obvious when it happens, im certainly guilty of doing alot more than twice.

By logging out your removing the possibly engagement, meaning that you don't get lots of trashy comments, and they have nothing to screenshot.

Trades are only binding in pro with a price+place(unless orgainised on forums)and while this is slighly open to abuse, ive only seen one player abusing it.

Its best to avoid posting the wrong pokémon but you won't get banned for it.

A-Z Pokémon Shop Gold - Open     Shiny Shop Gold

Discord: Allsmell#8974      

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Thanks for explaining yourself, And I really appreciate your honesty. Don't worry its nothing reportable You didn't commit any infraction ,but also please be careful next so there isn't any doubts.




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Only in the darkness can you see the stars.~

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