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Guild Island should be made more accessible.


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Guest deleteduser41af

Just remember it isnt hard work to hunt pokes in tradechat and collect godly mons from PVE players.

I'm going to be completely honest. This idea won't work due to the fact that the guild island will not be exclusive anymore. Guild island is for those who have contributed their hard work (lucky rng/dc's/etc.) By including the fee of 1 mil+ as the list goes down, this makes the island non exclusive as you can see. Yea the top guild can get in for free but still obtaining money to get into the island knowing you wouldn't make #1 before the season ends would in my opinion be fairly easy and wrong. So to conclude this argument, no i don't think this particular idea is a great one. However an alternative way to get guild island access might be nice. Also for the spawns that appear on guild island are obtainable more than just the guild island itself. You can access the spawns other ways like sites/dig/outbreaks etc. as far as we see. Now spawns that have not been implemented to the public yet, that would be a different story.

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I will continue to give constructive criticism, so if you're easily offended, then stop reading this.


I think you're misunderstanding the general idea here.

No, the Guild island is NOT OPEN to everyone who is part of ANY Guild that isn't ranked top 3, as what the general bunch is argumenting about.

And the idea for having multiple maps on Guild Island was based on an idea to limit the top 3 Guilds to those maps only, while the public had access to the Guild Island in itself.

While I would still want it to be only based on the top 15, 10 or 5 PvP'ers during a season, to retain fairness for everyone we'll see how that will work out.


The issue with the Guild Island is the fact it causes people to leave guilds to join better guilds, and better guilds kicking worse PvP'ers to secure top 3.

And the fact that other guilds who don't focus on PvP, and only focus mostly on PvE are excluded from the "Guild" island entirely.


And to be honest, I don't believe a Guild on PRO is all about PvP, which is exactly what PRO has stated by making a Guild Island only accessible for top PvP guilds.

And if that was the case, they should've named it PvP Guild Island, because that's essentially what it is.


And if the Guild System wasn't outdated enough, the first thing they should've done was NOT to add a Guild Island that is excluding over half of the Guild Player base.

But to begin actually developing a better and updated System. And to release content that doesn't exclude a large part of a player base.

Or at least make an addition to the counterpart Guilds, to make it fair for everyone.


While I know it must seem frustrating to see someone "argue" about the future of the Guild Island, when they aren't even a "PvP'er" or a "PvE'er".

But, I believe that those who are part of the PvP group, and those part of the PvE group would have a split opinion on the matter.

So I believe a neutral viewpoint would allow more insight into what issues this has caused or will cause in the future.

Relax not everyone is against you. My comments weren't aimed at you as I haven't read any of your posts(tad long and abit one path). Would read tldr if you added them.


I read your 1st two lines and realised you missed the point of my last post.


Two of the arguments that were made in the same post;


1)that the island shouldn't be exclusive to the top 3 guilds

2)there should be some maps available to just the top 3 guilds


If you can't see the contradiction here then I can't help.


As in my previous post, I'm all for making the island more accessible with a fixed barrier to entry (5k rating ect).

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Relax not everyone is against you. My comments weren't aimed at you as I haven't read any of your posts(tad long and abit one path). Would read tldr if you added them.


I read your 1st two lines and realized you missed the point of my last post.


Two of the arguments that were made in the same post;


1)that the island shouldn't be exclusive to the top 3 guilds

2)there should be some maps available to just the top 3 guilds


If you can't see the contradiction here then I can't help.


As in my previous post, I'm all for making the island more accessible with a fixed barrier to entry (5k rating ect).

I'm not getting worked up over this topic, so I'm as relaxed as any other individual here. Bleh.gif.557ed07643bd9738595a8ab55a1778cb.gif


Well, I'll give you a quick TLDR to summerise my posts altogether then.

  • I'm neither a PvP'er or a PvE'er, nor part of any public Guild. So my perspective remains neutral between both sides.
  • Guild Island was not the correct thing to add, because of the following reasons:
    • The Guild system should first and foremost be updated. Because it's severely outdated/behind on everything else.
    • It is unfair for the counterpart guilds who don't PvP as their main focus or own the top PvP'ers on the ladder.
    • It caused a lot of issues with people leaving/switching Guilds to secure the top 3 for "Guild" Island.

    [*]The true meaning of a Guild is not all about PvP. But I understand that PvP players feel excluded from events.

    [*]A "Guild" Island should be for ALL guilds, not just the top 3 PvP Guilds. Then it should have been named "PvP Island", not use the word "Guild".

    [*]Paying to enter the Island, is a good and a bad idea altogether, as it's easy to farm money and hard to pinpoint a good entry fee.

    [*]Multiple maps on the Island are an okay addition, but only if the Island is opened up to everyone who is part of a Guild. (Not just for every member in top 3 guilds)

    [*]And a whole lot more miscellaneous things I've mentioned in my previous posts.

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I completely understand the purpose of creating a guild island : it's indeed a good way to encourage people to play PvP more often, and since PvP is (or at least looks like) the ultimate purpose of the game, it encourages everything else, including spending money on capsule coins in order to be able to buy good pokémons. I have nothing against that all, on the contrary, I think this is a very good idea.


However, the fact that only the 3 strongest guilds in the game can access the island has a drawback that can already be seen : people who are strong at PvP or who at least have a good Elo are changing guilds to secure their top 3 spot. What does it mean exactly ? Basically, we'll soon have 3 guilds with the best players on each server (and, most likely, the guilds will be the same in both servers) and the other guilds will have no chance to compete at all, and I really don't think it's a good thing. Basically, a few hours ago, in my guild (French Connexion), half of the players left to merge with another guild in order to make sure they would have the guild island. Is that what you wanted by making the guild island ? Well, if it was the case, then you did well. If it wasn't what you wanted to happen, there's a simple way to make things more balanced, and that's what I'll be suggesting :

Each month, in the previous month guildladder

1st guild would have access to the guild island for free

2nd guild would have to pay 1 million for the whole guild to access the island

3rd guild would have to pay 2 million

And so on. Number 10 guild would pay 9 million and the guilds that are not in the guild ladder would have to pay 10 million. It does make it more interesting to reach the top of the guildladder, however it doesn't prevent anybody to get it. The prices I mentioned are not as important as the idea of letting everyone go to it because, as you have already understood, people don't love their guild as much as they would love having access to the guild island.


I hope i made everything clear and, of course, if you agree or if you don't, I would be glad to hear any argument.

Quality message i agree

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You seem to think the conflict is

PvE vs PvP


The conflict is

More accessible guild Island vs current guild island


your stated views are not neutral, and clearly fall on the more accessible guild island side (so do mine, although i think to varying degrees of difference).


Okay, hold up for a second here.

I don't think the conflict is between PvP and PvE players at all. But I know that they are still a part of it in the bigger picture.

As they are the two main groups of a Guild. It's only natural both sides have a different opinion on the Guild island and the matter at hand.

Thus is why I mention them as part of my posts to let people know this, before complaining that I'm just another "PvE'er complaining" when I don't belong in any of those groups.

Its also to convey that I don't have any standpoints with any of them, and remain solely neutral to both sides with my own opinions as an outsider.


Yes, I do give my own insights and I do side more with one side of the topic "More accessible Guild Island VS Current Guild Island ".

And I do know the topic of this suggestion is not "PvE VS PvP players".

As for my arguments on the actual topic, my stated views are indeed not neutral and that I haven't claimed as such either.

Well if It came out as the opposite, it was not intentionally meant and I'm more then happy to fix up in that.

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"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

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