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is this a bannable offense ?



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i wantd to buy a lvl 100 poke


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Hello !

I'm a little afraid because of a guy who says he had screenshot and reported me.


I wanted to buy a lvl 100 pkmn, and i got a pm from a guy with a lvl 100 poke saying that someone offer 90k for his poke, he show me in the chat. I choose to give him 100k and he says to wait 5 mins. Then he says someone give him 110k and ask me to give more. I say no and i retire my offer, because i only had 100k and i couldnt buy revives and pots to fight e4.

He finally tells me that the guy ho said 110k retired, and that my offer is the highest, and he report me for not buying this.

Can i be banned for this ?

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idk if u can be banned or not, but the person who offer 110k and retired should be reported and banned, or the both (it's maybe friend who want to increase the price)

But for me u can't be banned, u just give up the bid, u don't troll the bid


Sorry for my bad english :Smile:


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lol nothing to worry about, just greedy seller tactics. tbh staff get too involved in trades imo... people can change their minds if they want, they shouldnt be banned or penalized for that. Blame the seller for not taking the offer when he had the chance.

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

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