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HOW TO ADD Gen6 Pokemon animation / spirites on forum post?

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PRO Username: futz

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How to add those cool Gen6 pokemon animation in forum post?

anyone pls help ^^

Kay lol,


1> Browse "Animated Sprites 6th gen" in search sites (goolge,yahoo etc..)

2> Find a sprite and copy its link adress.

3> Click on this Button https://prntscr.com/a7mlk2 or type

[img=Paste your link here]

Submit then.


For an example:

I took this sprite from a site: https://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen6/xy-animated/658.gif

And then i did this:


Pasted same link in between those codes.


The outcome will be this:



That's all, hope it'll help.



Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


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