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Hello @Agree,


Nice auction you running out there!


Please change the auction title as it will cause some confusions,the gengar isn't 31 speed + 4x27 ivs and that counts as misleading which is against the rules,I am sure you didn't do so intentionally but be careful next time with your info.


Have a nice day.






Only in the darkness can you see the stars.~

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Hello @Agree,


Nice auction you running out there!


Please change the auction title as it will cause some confusions,the gengar isn't 31 speed + 4x27 ivs and that counts as misleading which is against the rules,I am sure you didn't do so intentionally but be careful next time with your info.


Have a nice day.




If anyone was misled I apologize, but in my opinon i wrote it correctly since it is 31 spd and the 27stats are spd ,def,spdef, and spatk. I also didnt write + implying there are 5x 27 stats. I have also intentionaly not include the 26atk since that would be misleading.

Pokemon Shop (Gold Server)

Discord : Sane#6842

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