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On 6/13/2020 at 11:59 PM, Norex said:

On this thread I want to share some of my feelings considering the current status of world quests. ( TL;DR below)


First of all I want to say that I am aware that world quests are supposed to be hard and I totally support that.

Me and probably the majoritiy enjoyed world quests when they were new as they were a unique way to get some missing legendary pokemon. Of course I dont know the numbers but I think a decent amount of players got all the legendary pokemon available through world quests by now.

This leads to the first problem I feel like there is with world quests. With every world quests more and more players are getting all the legendary pokemon which means less and less people are actually doing the world quests as the rewards outside of the legendary pokemon are simply too underwhelming for the effort you have to put in. Now there is the next "problem" within world quests, the effort.

Dont get me wrong here I like the fact that we have to put in effort to actually achieve a new legendary pokemon or even a hidden ability Dragonite. The fact though that hours of effort can just be for nothing because the world quest could not finish is enough for many players to not even try for the mysterious ticket. Now I know that if those people would try most world quests would probably finish but then again can you really blame them for not trying after they wasted their time for potentially multiple times or because they already own all the legendary pokemon?

Another thing are the actual spawns of the world quests, hunting 8 hours for Heatmor or any other "irrelevant" pokemon just to find out the world quest will not finish just does not feel good in any way.

- Just to add: I am not talking about me here but about most people who actually finished the needed 900 IVs for the world quest. -

For the last point I want to mention the needed IVs for the world quest. I feel like 180.000 IVs would actually be fine if the pokemon people had to hunt had value in PvP or in another way or if the rewards for players who already caught all legendary pokemon were better.

Because of the mentioned reasons above I think less and less people will actually try for the mysterious ticket so 180.000 IVs is just too much and feels unachievable for a pokemon like Heatmor if everything stays the same.

You could say theres always another world quest with another pokemon but we cant ignore the fact that less and less people will try for world quests as more and more players get all the legendary pokemon there are to obtain through world quests. So increasing the required IV feels like the wrong thing to do at the moment. As things are now people who still need legendary pokemon "suffer" from the people who already have all legendary pokemon and do not need to do the world quest anymore because the needed IVs stay the same but less people are doing it.


Now lets talk about solutions.

- The required IVs could be decreased in a way that it is possible to catch a new legendary pokemon with the same difficulty as players could as world quests were new in the game.

- Another way could be a change to the rewards, players who already have all legendary pokemon could get access to an NPC who rerolls the IVs of a legendary pokemon obtainable via world quests. Players who achieved the 0.5% on a failed world quest get a ripped ticket which can be exchanged for a mysterious ticket if you have 2-3 ripped ticket parts.


I am sure there are many other ways to improve world quests for the community so feel free to share your opinions on this thread.






- More people have all legends -> less people doing WQ because of bad rewards outside of legends.

- Less people going for WQ because they wasted time on a failed WQ in the past; got nothing for hours of effort.

- Bad spawns like Heatmor are especially hard because people are scared of wasting time on an irrelevant pokemon more than on a PvPable pokemon they could use/sell even if WQ fails.

- 180k IVs potentially too high for current status of WQ.




- Decrease required IVs

- Give players who own all legends an NPC to reroll a legend from world quests once.

- Players with 0.5% on a failed WQ get a ripped ticket which can be exchanged for a mysterious ticket once you have 2-3 ticket parts.


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