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There has been, and continues to be, confusion about Membership, its benefits, and related in-game content.

It should be worded differently, so people who understand basic English can easily understand the game is in fact not 'pay to win'.


1. The website's membership page states: "Access to Members Only Pokemon!"

Quite a few players interpret this as "Pokemon free players will never get! muahahaha!"... (with this wording, it seems like pure p2w) Which is not good, to say the least. And also not the case. And potentially bad for future business. (people thinking "p2w? screw that! next!")


2. The "Route 12 House" Fishing Guru's son NPC telling you you need PRO Membership. People think they are supposed to get a fishing rod there, which is not the case in PRO. Which they don't know, so some of them feel they are being 'forced' to buy membership in order to get a fishing rod.


3. ...Soon...?




:Cool: [glow=magenta]-Royalhotness[/glow] :kiss:

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There has been, and continues to be, confusion about Membership, its benefits, and related in-game content.

It should be worded differently, so people who understand basic English can easily understand the game is in fact not 'pay to win'.


1. The website's membership page states: "Access to Members Only Pokemon!"

Quite a few players interpret this as "Pokemon free players will never get! muahahaha!"... (with this wording, it seems like pure p2w) Which is not good, to say the least. And also not the case. And potentially bad for future business. (people thinking "p2w? screw that! next!")


2. The "Route 12 House" Fishing Guru's son NPC telling you you need PRO Membership. People think they are supposed to get a fishing rod there, which is not the case in PRO. Which they don't know, so some of them feel they are being 'forced' to buy membership in order to get a fishing rod.


3. ...Soon...?


On point number 1 i agree with you entirely. This needs to be edited for clarity.


On point 2 however, im not sure how much clearer i can be about the dialogue of the NPC. It clearly states thst he sells hats, not gives fishing rods.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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@Arnie I don't know... I see the same half-rage rants on chat each time I'm on. I suppose it's mainly due to the fact that people ignore 99% of all dialogue, and just expect there to be a rod in that house.




:Cool: [glow=magenta]-Royalhotness[/glow] :kiss:

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It's just people don't read, that's their issue. Nothing more


I wouldn't say 'nothing more'...


While it is true a lot of people don't read, there are also many people who might not fully understand what is being said.

Due to English not being their primary language, or... just not understanding for some reason.


Also, considering there has usually been a Super Rod given out there, as quoted from Bulbapedia:

"On this island in every generation is the home of the Fishing Brothers' younger brother, who will give a Super Rod to anyone who expresses a passion for fishing."



People could likely interpret 'fishing merchandise' to be fancy speak for 'fishing rod'.


It's a rather sensitive area, considering dialog-skipping and custom PRO content. And not everyone being equally good at English.




:Cool: [glow=magenta]-Royalhotness[/glow] :kiss:

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