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You need to talk to Professor Oak and he will ask you to show him Charmander/Bulbasuar/Squirtle, which is caught after talking to him either by you or buy it from someone else, doesn't matter, it needs to be Timid, Ada, Jolly or Modest for Charmander with 91 or more IVs , show the untrained char to Oak he will now ask you to train it to level 100 and make it Charizard, use the same Charizard you showed as charmander and he will battle you, if you win you will receive a Charizard Y stone.



Check if you missed something from this?

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On 9/12/2020 at 2:17 AM, skunk1 said:

My Charmander 100 lwl nature jolly but professor oak talk my charmander weak mega??? 


Hi, @skunk1


I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

For the charmander mega quest, you have to catch the charmander after activating the quest talking to prof. Oak.

Keep in mind that before start training your freshly caught charmander, you have to get confirmed by prof. Oak that the charmander is whether capable of continuing the quest or not.

I hope this answered your questions.


Have a nice day.

Kind regards, HappyMango.



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First she accepted everything ok but I didn't ask that she says again(


17 saat önce HappyMango şunları söyledi:


Selam, @kafadergisi


Ben rahatsızlık için özür dilerim.

Charmander mega arayışı için, prof ile konuşan görevi etkinleştirdikten sonra charmander'ı yakalamalısın. Meşe.

Yeni yakalanmış cazibenizi öğretmek, profesör tarafından onaylanmanız gerektiğini unutmayın. Meşe, büyücünün göreve devam edip edemeyeceği.

Umarım bu sorularınızı cevaplamıştır.


İyi günler.

Saygılarımızla, HappyMango.


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13 hours ago, skunk1 said:

First she accepted everything ok but I didn't ask that she says again(




I have found that you have posted another thread with the same topic.

Note that we prohibit players to make multiple threads with the same topic.

You are allowed to bump your thread every 24 hours, so it would be nice if you bump instead of creating a new thread of the same topic.


Since your question is answered in the other thread, I'll now be closing this one.

Have a nice day.



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