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Suggested to implement an NPC with the benefit of buying repels cheap


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Greetings everyone!


I have a suggestion for how event hunts can be more cost efficient. As we all know there are some  event pokemons which are repelable. But the repels are sometimes too costly and always not worth to spend money and pray for RNGesus everytime. As we all know there are different NPC maniacs who sell items cheaper. So I would suggest to add Repel Maniacs who will be available during the event seasons, posted on event maps. That way people can farm their favourite event mons with more ease.


thanks for reading out what i had to say, wishing for an implement of this feature eagerly since i wasted like around 4m on repels yet to find event gible.

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Already has been suggested couple times now, here are the latest suggestions regarding that topic:




I still think Repels should stay at the same price, because they serve as a great money sink in the game. On the other hand I still would like to see Max-Repels price-performance ratio increase, so it is as efficient as super repel.

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I understand but I still wanted to link those threads to provide some already existing opinions regarding this suggestion.

To say something about your suggestion especially, I think event areas already have better spawns than we normally have. Being able to buy repels cheaper too, seems a little "overkill" to me because hunting would feel imbalanced.

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