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As tiitle.


I train lvl only, and i'm always in cerulean if you want to find me (may go somewhere but then cerulean).


My rules:


1. I train level only, do not take ev

2. Any trade take place in cerulean, or near there: pewter, viridan, saffron, lavender. If you're in johto, add fee 10k for 2 times subway.

3. chansey/blissey take 1.5x price, shuckle do not accept, eevee need to be envolved and learned some move to train.


Nothing else.


Deal the price if you dont accept.


I'll try to contact you, /friend huynhduchuynbk if you want to find me ingame.


Update: I also sell clear gym/beat e4 kanto pokemon lvl90 40k each. 70k for 2 and 100k for 3. (kanto only).

Re: Any lvl to 90: 40k, 90 to 100: 30k, other: deal


<t>togepi 30-98 (evovle at 98)teach anceint power<br/>

feebas 30-98 (evovle at 98) nothing specific<br/>

kadabra 50-98 ( evolve at 98) nothing specific <br/>


pm me total price any discount XD...</t>

Re: Any lvl to 90: 40k, 90 to 100: 30k, other: deal


<r><QUOTE author="autobots"><s>

</s><POST content="121727"><s></s>121727<e></e></POST> togepi 30-98 (evovle at 98)teach anceint power<br/>

feebas 30-98 (evovle at 98) nothing specific<br/>

kadabra 50-98 ( evolve at 98) nothing specific <br/>


pm me total price any discount XD...<e>


togebi:60k,feebas:60k,kadabra:50k. 170k in total, i can take you 160k<br/>


<QUOTE author="KuroNekokan"><s>

</s><POST content="123177"><s></s>123177<e></e></POST> Need daycare for my chansey. Current lv 33 to 100. pm me your price :)<e>

I can take care chansey, 90k to lvl 100, for more detail pm me ingame.</r>

Re: 50 train to 98: 50k, lower train to 98: 60k, level only, selling clear gym poke 40k lvl90


<t>Blissey finished (traded, price deal change in game), Gliscor and Alakazam both lvl99 @autobots, budew lvl99, bulbasaur lvl98, shellder lvl100 all fisnished @soulrend</t>

Re: 50 train to 98: 50k, lower train to 98: 60k, level only, selling clear gym poke 40k lvl90


<r><QUOTE author="CJLJ"><s>

</s><POST content="127150"><s></s>127150<e></e></POST> How much to level a Venusaur from 70?<e>

venu 70 - 98 40k</r>

Re: Any level train to 90: 40k, 90 to 98: 30, level only, selling clear gym poke 40k lvl90


<t>@CJLJ The venusaur is finished, pm me ingame to take it, thanks.<br/>


A little busy at this time, any request may take time to finish, sorry for this inconvenient.</t>

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