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Content Changelog October 2022


  • Event
    • [AddedHalloween Event athat can be accessed from every port city.
    • [Added] Beast Ball Seller in Pokecenter Murky Town
  • Items
    • [Added] Beast Balls that can be bought in every shop (after receiving the 3rd upgrade) for $1,500.
    • [Added] Untradable Reroll Ticket. Services that require RTs will now consume untradable RTs first before they consume the regular RTs.
  • Bosses
    • [Changed] increased the drop rate of a Twin Dragon Orb for Lance and Medusa/Eldir.
  • NPCs
    • [Changed] Psychic Mario in Crater Town House 9 will now hand out an untradable RT for 4 Reroll Shards instead of offering the Reroll Service itself.
  • Tutors
    • [Added] Event Tutor - Eruption in Sweetsland Pokemart who teaches your Heatran the move Eruption for $15,000.
    • [Added] Event Tutor - Celebrate in Serenia Village House 2 who teaches Celebrate to Pokemon who can learn it as special move for $15,000.
    • [Added] Event Tutor - Happy Hour in Necropolis Museum who teaches Happy Hour to Pokemon who can learn it as special move for $15,000.
    • [Added] Event Tutor - Belly Drum in Pokecenter Murky Town who teaches Belly Drum to Pokemon who can learn it as special move for $15,000.
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  • 2 months later...
  • Administrator

Content Changelog January 2023



  • Tutors
    • [Added] Event Tutor - Evergreen Island Village who teaches Celebrate to Pokemon who can learn it as special move for $15,000.
    • [Added] Event Tutor - North Pole Harbour who teaches Happy Hour to Pokemon who can learn it as special move for $15,000.
  • Quests
    • [Changed] Possible Reward Reroll Ticket to soul-bound Reroll Ticket.
    • [Added] Small surprise near Lavender Town.
    • [Changed] Relocated Vermilion City Graveyard to Lavender Town Graveyard.
    • [Changed] Dungeon Guild Ladder Reward from Guild Island Access to another area for the next season.
    • [Changed] 3 entries in the last 24 hours to 3 entries per day with a global reset at 0:00 GMT for the Forlorn Court.
  • NPCs
    • [Added] Mount Re-color NPC to every bike shop that can change the color of some mounts for 20 PvE or 10 PvP Coins depending on the mount.
    • [Added] Sailors in Slateport and Crater Town Shore.
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  • 2 months later...
  • Administrator

Content Changelog April 2023


  • Dungeon
    • [Added] Heroic Mode for the Forlorn Court.
    • [Changed] Minor stuff for balancing:
      • Altered locations of a couple of NPC encounters within the realms.
      • Nerfed rewards if the augment "Cursed Fountain" is actively used.
  • Event
    • [Added] Breezy Island is now accessible from all harbour cities.
  • Attractions
    • [Added] Pokemon Groomer and Pokemon Cafe with Brad and Chris who raise the Pokemon's happiness can be found in Goldenrod Underground Path, Cerulean City House 5, Slateport City, Hearthome City.
    • [Added] Multiplayer Bug Catching Contest to the National Park which takes place every Saturday either at noon or midnight.
    • [Changed] The Double Reroll Service no longer accepts soul-bound Reroll Tickets for activation and usage. Single rolls are still possible with soul-bound RTs.
  • Legendary
    • [Removed] Hour Requirement for Genesect.
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  • 2 months later...
  • Administrator

Content Changelog August 2023


  • Trainers
    • [Changed] The level of Gym Leaders were reduced to match the new exp curve.
    • [Changed] The level and Pokemon of Trainers to match the new exp curve.
  • Attractions
    • [Added] Trainer Towers to all four regions in Route 13, Route 40, Route 111 Desert and Route 218.
      • The entry fee depends on the target floor, starting at $2,000.
      • Depending on the Badge count and championship, you unlock higher leveled floors.
      • Depending on the levels of the Pokemon in your team, you gain access to higher leveled floors.
    • [Changed] Safari Maniac lets you choose which pass (BCC, FC, New Reporter) you are going to use now.
    • [Changed] Fishing Contest and Multiplayer Bug Catching Contest.
      • Added more viable natures for the submission.
      • Upon submission, you're now getting told what natures/abilites the Pokemon need if you submit one with either the wrong ability or wrong nature.
    • [Added] New item Mysterious Shard. Three of them can be exchanged to a Mysterious Ticket.
    • [Changed] The Mysterious Cultist rewards you for your efforts if the World Quest didn't finish succesfully with:
      • 1x Mysterious Ticket if 100% of the server goal was reached and you contributed 0.5% or
      • 2x Mysterious Shard if 75% of the server goal was reached and you contributed 0.5% or
      • 1x Mysterious Shard if 50% of the server goal was reached and you contributed 0.5%, or
      • 2x Mysterious Ticket if 100% of the server goal was reached and you contributed 3%, or
      • 4x Mysterious Shard if 75% of the server goal was reached and you contributed 3%, or
      • 2x Mysterious Shard if 50% of the server goal was reached and you contributed 3%.
  • NPCs
    • [Removed] Youngster Joey's Rattata Quest before entering Hoenn.
    • [Removed] Exp Boost Quest in Viridian City House 2.
    • [Changed] The old man at the exit in Viridian City to mention the Trainer Towers now.
    • [Added] Exp Share which can be obtained in either Route 2 Stop3, National Park Stop House 1, Mauville Stop House 3 or Route 214 Stop House at the Professor's Aide.
    • [Changed] The Reroll Shard is now an item that can be viewed in the bag.
    • [Changed] The Set Master Chris' loading fee was reduced from $50,000 to $5,000.
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  • 3 months later...
  • Administrator

Content Changelog October 2023


  • Event
    • [Added] Phantasm Land is now accessible from all harbor cities.
    • [Added] You can participate at the Halloween Hunting Contest now that is located in Murky Town
    • [Changed] The various Event Currencies will be converted to one single currency called "Event Coins" once you've interacted with an Event Shop. The conversion is as follows:
      • 1x Event Coin = 6 Easter Tokens,
      • 1x Event Coin = 7 Summer Points,
      • 1x Event Coin = 10 Halloween Tokens,
      • 10x Event Coins = 7x Christmas Coins.
    • [Changed] Reworked and improved the Hunting Quests offered by Camelia, Vlad and Gorge.
    • [Added] New Questline north of Serenia Village.
    • [Added] Sailor to Serenia Village.
  • Quests
    • [Added] A surprise in Trainers Valley
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  • 1 month later...
  • Administrator

Content Changelog November 2023


  • Quests
    • [Removed] The Professor's Aide in Trainers Valley no longer gives you the Z-Ring.
  • Attractions
    • [Added] Mono-Type Tournament in Trainers Valley where you can win the Z-Ring and other items.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrator

Content Changelog December 2023


  • Event
    • [Added] Evergreen Island is now accessible from every harbor city (Vermilion, Olivine, Lilycove, Canalave).
    • [Added] New Shortcut Sailor on Whoville Shore.
  • Quests
    • [Added] A new respawn point within the Heatran Quest.
    • [Changed] Levels of the trainers within the Heatran Quest.
    • [Added] A new quest that can be started in Matsuki after catching Keldeo.
  • NPCs
    • [Added] Painter Fabio in the regions' department stores who changes the color of your Pokemon depending on the Chroma Palettes in your possession.
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  • 2 months later...
  • Administrator

Content Changelog February 2024


  • Dungeons
    • [Added] You are now affiliated to a guild during a season that you joined first in a guild dungeon run during said season.
    • [Changed] You can only contribute points to your affiliated guild during a season.
    • [Changed] The score required for the access to the Hunting Grounds depends on your affiliated guild during the last season.
    • [Changed] You can no longer enter regularly the Forlorn Court 3 times per day, but 1 time per day now.
    • [Added] Strange Glitter can now be used to buy additional entries for your whole Party in the Forlorn Court.
    • [Removed] Beheeyem in the Forlorn Grand Hall no longer hand out Elixirs and Ethers if you have 3 or more members in your party.
    • [Changed] The Trials in the Forlorn Court are now shared among the party.
    • [Changed] You'll get now 5 instead of 10 Strange Glitter for each trial in the Forlorn Court.
    • [Changed] Pokemon with more than 670 BST will have their PP reduced to 5 upon entering a dungeon.
    • [Changed] The rewards for a run in the Ruins of the Vale were buffed.
    • [Added] You can now find Vale Ore in the Ruins of the Vale that can be exchanged for a Twindragon Orb in Crater Town House 6.
  • Quests
    • [Changed] Pinkan Island Quest was rewritten into Python.
    • [Added] an extension to the Pinkan Island Quest.
  • Bosses
    • [Changed] Battle Bot Boss no longer gives you a Membership Medalion, but extends your active membership instead as the 3rd win reward.
  • Event
    • [Added] Aphrodia is now accessible from every port city (Vermilion, Olivine, Lilycove, Canalve)
    • [Added] Valentine Hunting Contest in Aphrodia Island.
  • NPCs
    • [Added] You can now change the Chroma of your mounts at the Painter in each Department Store.
    • [Added] You can now mega-evolve Chroma Mounts at Conrad in Celadon Mart 1.
    • [Changed] Pokestop rewards in Kanto and Johto.
    • [Added] Pokestops in Hoenn and Sinnoh.
    • [Changed] Interiors of the daycare centers.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Administrator

Content Changelog March 2024


  • Dungeons
    • [Changed] You must have reached a score of 1,000 in total to a score of 1,000 for the dungeon to enter the repsective dungeon's hunting area starting with the next season.
    • [Changed] You gain [30/20/10] minutes to [20/15/10] minutes per your guild's dungeon total rank and dungeon rank of hunting time for the respective dungeon's hunting area.
  • Tutors
    • [Added] TM Tutor - Secret Power in Slateport City who teaches you the move for $5,000.
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  • 1 month later...
  • Administrator

Content Changelog April 2024


  • Event
    • [Added] Breezy Island which can be accessed by Sailor John who can be found in every port city.
    • [Changed] You may now overlevel within Breezy Falls. Your Pokemon's level will be reduced to the appropriate level during the LC E4 battles (moves that you cannot learn on the reduced level will be replaced).
    • [Changed] Reduced the amount of Event Coins you can earn from the LC E4. (This was an oversight when the cooldown was reduced in the past.)
    • [Removed] Reroll Ticket for 420 Event Coins in Henry's Shop in Pokecenter Suzuka Town.
    • [Added] soul-bound Reroll Ticket for 210 Event Coins in Henry's Shop in Pokecenter Suzuka Town.
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