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new account conexion problem


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i m a new player and i have creat my account but when i try conect me on the game  i have the message " invalid username or password"

i try again and try again but i can t conect on the game 

i asked for help to the discord moderator norex and he told me post this topic 

can you tell me where this problem come from and how solve it?


ps ( sorry for my english i m french )


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22 hours ago, Acrobastar said:


Hey there!

I've checked your account and it seems like you were able to login in gold today.
Is everything fine again?
I'll be waiting for a reply.

Kind regards



 【 General Support ✘ Bug Resolution CenterComplaints Area ✘ Report Center 】


Please do not contact staff members for private support.

Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others.

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