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I'm Indyo!


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Hey guys my name's Indyo and I've been an avid Pokemon fan for a long time, and it's a pleasure to find a new MMO that feels fleshed out and ready with a great community backing it!


I did play POKEMMO around a year back but my account has since disappeared, and since I saw this pop up a few weeks back I thought why not!


I've been playing PRO for about a day now and if anyone is willing to throw me a few friend requests, or if there's a guild out there catered to players who can play/stream on and off let me know.


Favourite Pokemon by type? Well there's so many, but I did have a Honchkrow on Diamond and POKEMMO that had some sweet IVS so... :Crazy:


I'm a 20 year old male from Brighton UK, a full time student at Brighton University and a full time barman too. If you want to know more about me drop a post below!




Indyo :Heart:


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Hiyaaaaaaaa. Welcome to the game! Wanna join our guild?

[glow=black]“You should enjoy the little detours. To the fullest. Because that’s where you’ll find the things more important than what you want.” —Ging, HxH[/glow]

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