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So I checked youtube and from the trailer attack on titan is not the greatest show.


1.It's anime

2.It's just another zombie -ripoff except there are disguise as giants.

3.there is no greatest show (everyone is different)


I don't  disagree with you guys because its your opinion. However, its not a fact


                  In reality




Edited by anief
11 hours ago, Rudycoder said:

Not calling attack on Titan greatest show ever??? Isn't that too low 

I have seen lot of shows and animes 

And only thing that's close to AOT is breaking Bad and death note 

Planting an AOT Flag on Mars by Elon should be enuf, I guess? XD

Anyways, jokes aside. Not saying your opinion is bad, cus, everyone has different of them.
But, well I don't understand this "And only thing that's close to AOT is breaking Bad and death note", I wonder where FMA, Gintama, Monogatari, and so on series were gone. Probably you might not have watched them or so I guess.

Edited by Kyo


Lol I read the last paragraph you said the story is inferior to BB and death not but I don't think so death note never had a deep story also u can't say BBs story is deeper or better than AOT . you have to realise there no such thing as semi fantasy it is either fantasy or it isn't, also u can't say that there is nothing to study from its story there is something in any story to learn from if u don't find any it it only means u havnt really understood it.story, plot, Character Development and the soundtrack is far superior to other shows 

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