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Hello, the name's Kayte! Like many others, I'm new here, thanks to my roommate! :Smile:


I've played other unofficial pokemon games in the past, like pokemon Crater, GPXplus, and others that I can't really remember. This looks fun and promising so I hope to make this a permanent thing!


As for a little bit about me... I'm 20 years old and don't have much of a life outside doing art commissions. You might catch me lurking around the art forums if I can muster the energy to draw some pokemon related stuff. :Crazy:


I tend to drift in and out of fandoms depending on my mood and what catches my attention at the time. I've currently been into Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and Undertale, though its not limited to those! I'm also a furry, into other Nintendo stuff, anime, and other animated films and shows.


Sorry for the kind of long lame intro but I suppose I can't just type my whole life story LOL. I hope to see some of you around! :Heart-eyes:



︿ ___ ︿




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Hi Kayte, welcome aboard of the PRO cruize :Cool:


You could edit ur profile and put a profile/signature pic drawn by ur own hands, that wd be cool!

MeeEew mEeeEew - since 2016 - my Discord: Thata Hurtado#5952 (customers only)


Forum: Xlegendary | IGN: RocketThata


My SHOP: [visit here]

My EV services: [click here]

Thank you for all the warm welcomes! :Heart:


I'm really enjoying it so far and I've gotten past Brock, so I'm on my way to getting the hang of things!


As legendary said, I should definitely make myself a signature and avatar. I'd have uploaded an avatar but its telling me "The avatar functionality is currently disabled.", not sure if thats a new user block or if uploading new avatars is down for everyone. Lil bit of help there would be wonderful. <3


Edit: Checked FAQ and saw I can't update avatar yet since I'm a newbie. I'll definitely do that soon though! :>



︿ ___ ︿




PM Friendly!

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