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I f*cked up with my poke, i wanted to evolve my graveler but completely forgot about the regions, he is in kanto and the poke is from sinnoh... Here the screenshots. I cant download form pc tho, so just click the link


He saying what happened: https://gyazo.com/e820d4470cddda648e97f8a246150837


Trade screenshot: https://gyazo.com/c3e15c0a6cea549ae7d7b7c0cc21e9bf


POKEMON ID: 38728137

Edited by GonZz
  • Like 1

Hello, can we get this Graveler back to its owner?

He gave it to me and I didn't know I can't trade it until I complete the region.


I second this. I didnt know that a pokemon could be locked to a player that didnt finish the region. Sorry for the mess...

I was just trying to evolve to a golem and asked keftedi for help and he was kind enough to do it.

Transfer done, please have a check - Incarnate
Edited by Incarnate

I have gave my pokes to a friend which were from Kanto and Johto but now he is telling that he has started playing in Hoenn and he doesn't even have the 8th badge there to return my pokes. His name is Karyyy and my name is Abdussayeb007 in the game. I took a few screenshots about our taking and he has send me the pics of the pokes. I hope I will get my pokes back.

I play on Gold Server.


Moved them back to your account - Incarnate










Edited by Incarnate


i have been helped from Wilsontok to evo trade my electabuzz into a electivire but he hasnt unlocked sinnoh so he give me back the pkmn, i've got the photo of my pkmn before the trade but the after the trade, the game crashed so i dont have the screeshotss of the chat, but he can confirm what im saying

my nickname is SplashMachine33

pls help me


Transfer done, please check your last box - Shaolan
Edited by Shaolan

Hi there,


I already did a post there about a poke there is few month now. I traded for an evo a magic guard kadabra that I bought for a good price, to someone that wasn't at hoen yet.

And this guy never reconnected to play this game again..

His pseudo is Azumango.

Can you check his pc and see my kadabra ?..


Thanks for your attention :).


I'd appreciate if you make a thread in the report center regarding this. I need to ask you few questions before proceeding with the transfer - Incarnate
Edited by Incarnate

Hello good day.


I lend my pokes to a friend of mine to help her defeat the 7th gym in kanto and i accidentally put a 4 johto pokes and i can't get it back. And another mistake i made is i trade it to her *I didn't use the lend option* it's a typlosion sudowoodoo amphardos and quagsire her ign is Rhyelle and mine is Fanzel. Thanks so much. And I'm in the gold server thank youIMG_20191003_044424.thumb.jpg.74e9000a2322d6536803961cc3846fab.jpg


Moved them back to your account, have a check - Incarnate
Edited by Incarnate

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