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My happiny I give to one person to Lev up and he did not even completed kanto help me to get happiny back because he is NOOB and he will take so much time I am not saying him NOOB he he said me he is noob Screenshot_2020-11-20-16-45-15-478_com.PROTeam.PokemonRevolution.png.931ff0697adeaa6d835b814f2cf67b68.png



Issue already resolved in your thread and Happiny is in your account on the Gold server.

- Cecillon


Edited by Cecillon

I wanted to trade evo the shiny scyther i bought with my friend who i forgot didnt finish johto, so its locked, could u help me get it back?


Friend: Rayzblaze

Silver server





We've returned the Shiny Scyther to your account. Have a nice day.

- Cecillon


Edited by Cecillon
Wrong ss didnt show convo

I want to trade my 2 pokemons from my alternative account to my main account which is region locked.

From: Hingor

To: On9hingor

Gold server






Please complete the regions on your alt account to gain access to the two pokemons as they were bought on two occassions while knowing they would be region locked. We will unfortunately be unable to help with this request.



Edited by Cecillon


I have traded a bold rotom to a friend named Larryzira for ev service, but it was region locked and i need it back as soon as possible,i dont have a proof of screenshot but both sides have agreed to this. Pls kindly recover this region locked poke its urgent.



Hello, no trade by you of any Bold Rotom was found with the said user. If it is another pokemon you may make another request for it with the evidences and we shall be glad to help you.

- Cecillon


Edited by Cecillon

I only have the fourth kanto badge, guy i traded traded me a kadabra from hoenn. This the the locked pkmn in the box and its info page. I traded him my lv 35 kadabra.

To: Humbert9908

Gold Server




Humbert9908's Kadabra has been returned to them. Enjoy!

- Cecillon


Edited by Cecillon

trade locked Sl00mpy and I (Sch1zo) traded on silver to evo pokemon but i didnt receive an notification that it is region locked was hoping for some help trading back his scyther


Sl00mpy just traded me back my kadabra so only thing is his scyther still in my pc if u can return to him pls n thanks

update i got it back to him on my own thanks for nothing cecillon



Apologies for the delay in transferring (I had some internet issues). We're glad your issue has resolved.

- Regards, Cecillon


Edited by Cecillon
  • 2 weeks later...

I help my friend clear xmas event, so I borrow him my team. But I forgot that he haven't clear sinnoh region and he didn't know about region locked pokemon. So my Ampharos locked in his pc. My ign is Queens and my friend's ign is Kamikaze21.

Here is screenshot when we trade and screenshot of my friends trainer card and pc (locked ampharos).

We are in Silver server.


Can I get my ampharos back?

Thank you in advance..

Sorry for my bad english..






Ampharos is now back in your Silver account. Have a great day.

- Cecillon


Edited by Cecillon
Forgot tell my server

So today a guy asked me to trade his Kadabra to me so that he could evolve it but I'm in Johto and his Kadabra is from Sinnoh so now it's region locked. I want to return his Kadabra to him if it's possible. I did not trade anything for it the Kadabra's ID is 53956749 the owners name is Piccolosnm and my name is Legionzzz909.


If possible Admins return his Kadabra to Piccolosnm please. We both play in the Silver Server.



The Kadabra has been returned to the owner, Sincerely Hawluchaa


The alert came up after trade was completed.  User didn't say it was a johto poke, I just want to get it back to them.  PMSamuel010 is the person it belongs to, can see the chat in screen shot.  Was just trying to evolve it for him 😞



The Kadabra has been returned to its owner, Sincerely Hawluchaa


<<Gold Server>>



First off, I'd like to apologize for this mess of a SS below (I had 3 SS pasted on top of one another in Paint but didn't properly organize them before saving;;).


I need help reclaiming a life orbed Nidoking and leftovers Togekiss (both with items) from the player named Mansiz who is now regionlocked in Sinnoh. This is Gold Server


I lent those to him 3 days ago for free under the condition that he return those within 30 mins so he can beat Pluton (as in the PM of him saying "for 30 mins"). Disregard the trade screen with 3 other pokes, as it is before I asked him to "take them out" since "I don't need" (the one with nothing on his side was the actual trade).


He has since been rarely online and very difficult to talk to, and as he has moved to Sinnoh I am requesting Staff assistance due to region lock. I'm giving him the benefit of doubt that he didn't have bad intentions, but I'd definitely appreciate having these pokes back soon if possible.

Thank you!







Resolved in reports.


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