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Instantly Mounts A Mount Feature


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Hi Fellow players and staffs


    I cant find any similar suggestion about this thing, so if it does suggested before just close my thread.

     Okay the idea is, we have an option to toggle a function that allow us to ride a mount without tapping it from our backpack or the hotbar.It could be a command or option in the settings that allow us to instantly ride a mount whenever we exit from a no-mount map or when we log in.  

    The idea popped up because of the problem I experienced everytime whenever i cant tap my mount on the hotbar because of the small gui whenever I left a pokecenter. Mainly, i think its very beneficial to the community since most android player did having problem using their mount, if their gui is too small. Its also benefit other platform too. Its not a big thing rather than the big problem we have on the servers rn, so having this in the future update would be cool.


 Give me your thought too! 

Edited by Hannan12


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it just sounds very overly complicated, also how would this affect surfing, you basically would still want to have a mount in your hotbar if you exit the water, just to remount then too, so to me it just seems pointless. There is a significant lack of effort required to ride a mount already, so -1 from me.


I do understand it would be better for mobile though.


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1 hour ago, g3n3r4l said:

it just sounds very overly complicated, also how would this affect surfing, you basically would still want to have a mount in your hotbar if you exit the water, just to remount then too, so to me it just seems pointless. There is a significant lack of effort required to ride a mount already, so -1 from me.

Yea, The idea is complicated, I forgot to point out that my idea is just for land mount as it would be more complicated for surfing and also the main thing is just the 'problem having it after leaving a no-mount map', I dont think of any map, where no-mount area and water are just side by side. Its not too big of a deal. Having it can improve user experience for those who suffered

1 hour ago, g3n3r4l said:


I do understand it would be better for mobile though.

☝️this is most of my point 


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