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1: Have a computer inside prehax house so we can pick a synch when we face the munchlax in the 3rd time win ( aslo we can just go there and choose our team for the island mini boss )
2: Mail icon. There should be a mail icon on top next to your bms or ms when someone sends you a mail. You never know when someone sends you mail
3: Membership time left. Not sure if this exists though. There should be an npc that tells you how much left you have on your ms 

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8 minutes ago, SocksGunner32 said:

1: Have a computer inside prehax house so we can pick a synch when we face the munchlax in the 3rd time win ( aslo we can just go there and choose our team for the island mini boss )


+1 to this, a small quality of life change.


8 minutes ago, SocksGunner32 said:

2: Mail icon. There should be a mail icon on top next to your bms or ms when someone sends you a mail. You never know when someone sends you mail

Already been suggested multiple times before.

But I agree, there should be a icon in-game to indicate you have a unread mail.


8 minutes ago, SocksGunner32 said:

3: Membership time left. Not sure if this exists though. There should be an npc that tells you how much left you have on your ms 

This has also been suggested multiple times. The most recent one is this.

The only way to check your remaining time is by using Reborn - Discord Bot and its Inspect command.

It cannot be added to further servers before its sharded, but you can pm the bot by finding it on PRO discord. (Commands work in PM)


Preview of how the inspect looks like in the spoiler below.



The time displayed is the remaining days/hours/minutes of the active MS.


Edited by Electrocute4u
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