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I wanted to report this the first time that happened but i left it cause i wasnt sure if its the games fault or mine but it happened. I went to the scientist and gave him the Silver disc in order to get a porygon. He asked me if i wanted a shiny chance or if i wanted to synch it. I clicked synch and then it asked me to click on the desired synch pokemon which in this case was my bold kadabra as you can see in the picture below. i dont know its a bug but i thought the second you choose your bold synch the game will give a bold porygon but instead it gave me an impish . if this is really the games fault i would like you guys to make my porygon bold
Thank you

Annotation 2021-03-29 135116.png

Hey @SocksGunner32


I'm not entirely sure, but I believe the game still renders a sync chance option for a Pokemon reward as a 50/50 chance.

Otherwise, there would be no need to have an Pokemon with Sync. And just have the option to select the desired Nature instead.


You can find more information about this here.

Do note that it says "chance" on the wiki page, which might refer to the 50/50 chance for a sync to synchronize the nature.


Hope this resolves your issue.

Edited by Electrocute4u
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