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Impish lando ivs gone


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Hi I had an impish lando long back and had saved the set before I changed it to jolly. (The set is saved). However, recently I tried to load it and the ivs are not changing. My impish lando had low speed and hp def and sp.def over 20(for sure). Pls help me get my ivs back..

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3 hours ago, rajkkapadia said:

Hi I had an impish lando long back and had saved the set before I changed it to jolly. (The set is saved). However, recently I tried to load it and the ivs are not changing. My impish lando had low speed and hp def and sp.def over 20(for sure). Pls help me get my ivs back..

Hey there!

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
The NPC won't recognize your old IVs anymore after you rerolled your Pokemon.
It only saves and loads your move pool and nature.

Kind regards,



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8 hours ago, rajkkapadia said:

I tried the same thing with my zapdos but my zapdos got its old ivs back... however, it’s not working for lando 

This should not be possible. Can you send a screenshot of it?



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