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DC forgiveness to avoid queue times.


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My computer is just full potato today so i've disconnected quite a few times, and since it is the weekend the blue server has a queue of about 600. Most games have a system in place where if you DC you have 5 minutes to get back on before you lose your spot.


This could probably be solved pretty easily by tagging each account with a "Time last active" variable (i would assume they probably already have that) and if the difference between that time and the current time is < 5 minutes allow them to log in.


Although I would recommend adding a check in there to prevent afk abuse. If someone is afk looking at their other monitor and get logged out because of it, they shouldn't get priority because they are probably just going to afk again.

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123802 That would mean it's even harder to login for other players.


If you still wanted to play, you would be logged in anyways. This would have no affect on anyone in the queue, that is unless you are considering the fact that when people DC they jump up a spot in the queue.

123804 This has been suggested before here where it was answered already.


It really wasn't answered there. The suggestion in that post was for a member feature that allowed it. I'm talking just in general.


The last post also says it would be complicated for the server to solve and handle, but there would actually be less communication than having to put you into the queue. The server right now has a cap of 400 I believe, that doesn't mean that you can't force 401 on the server. The 400 is just a limit to say when to, or when not to put someone on the queue.

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Your suggestion not clearly as the result can make server save many slots for these guys. That just make server more lagging. Ofc they can force 1801 on server, but bear in mind that what happen when it over 1850-1900, bandwith issue, server shutdown :etc:

Instead of that, the suggestion can notice by alert sound, it will be better than save slots

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123825 Your suggestion not clearly as the result can make server save many slots for these guys. That just make server more lagging. Ofc they can force 1801 on server, but bear in mind that what happen when it over 1850-1900, bandwith issue, server shutdown :etc:

Instead of that, the suggestion can notice by alert sound, it will be better than save slots


I don't really understand your comment? The server would at max only ever have 1800-1810ish. If you DC, you log back in and get a spot, putting the server at 1801. In this case two people would have to log off in order to let someone else join the queue so it would always stay at the same cap. This would make it so you only have to wait through the queue once per play period instead of getting really unlucky, crashing, and having to wait through the queue again.

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