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Bug Catching Contest Quest + Mega Scizor Quest


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Hi, I dont know if I should post it in bug section or here, but here I am,


I encounter this while playing in my phone. When I finished my bcc and show this to the judge;


after talking to all npc and ready to collect my reward from the judge,

suddenly an exclamation mark come out from all npc in the area map

and the judge asking me to go to the center of the park.


When I go there, I saw bugsy in the middle of the park and a few npc circling him "suddenly fade away" leaving only him in the middle park.

When I talk to him, he was there for the mega scizor quest.


My question is;

Did 2 quest overlapping in the center of the park where mega quest is the priority in here and after I finish the mega quest, Bugsy will move out and revealing another quest that I should complete.


Or will I have to do the requirement needed for me to encounter it again after I finish the mega quest?


Or it actually an old quest that have been removed?


Thank you for your time. My play hours is 1k plus if that helps, last time I remember theres Genesect and Volcarona wing quest within the park before mega introduced.


Edited by Eth4rnal
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Hello @Eth4rnal


It seems to me like you're confusing two quests: the Scizorite quest and the Genesect quest.

The Beedrill you caught has 144 IVs and you have accumulated more than 500 hours. These two are the requirements for Genesect. When you submitted your Beedrill, the Judge gave you some dialog, which I believe you misinterpreted.

Bugsy in National Park is to begin he Scizorite quest. What you need to do is speak with the Judge in the National Park Stophouse (where the Bug Catching Contest can be entered from), and he will take you to the area where Genesect can be caught. Make sure you have sufficient preparations for this encounter.


If you have anymore questions or if something is unclear, please let me know.


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