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Re: ✰ Polyxena's hunting service ✰


<t>** Update **<br/>


added the order from GhostMaster to my post and I can now catch all Pokémon that could be found as non member until Fuchsia City ;)</t>

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Re: ✰ Polyxena's hunting service ✰


<t>♢ IGN: No123<br/>

♢ Pokémon you want to have: nidoran male<br/>

♢ Nature: timid<br/>

♢ Ability: hustle<br/>

♢ IVs: good iv's (20+) in spd/spatk.<br/>

♢ Gender: no matter.</t>

Re: ✰ Polyxena's hunting service ✰


<t>** Update **<br/>


Got a timid/synchro Natu now and added the order from no123 & LajatoRafael to my post.</t>

Re: ✰ Polyxena's hunting service ✰


<t>♢ IGN: RJWarrior1907<br/>

♢ Pokémon you want to have: dratini <br/>

♢ Nature: don't care<br/>

♢ Ability: don't care<br/>

♢ IVs: don't care<br/>

♢ Gender: don't care<br/>






don't mind<br/>

don't mind<br/>

don't mind<br/>

(if possible if it is holding a metal coat that would be great)</t>

Re: ✰ Polyxena's hunting service ✰


<t>Hey Pep even if I haven't finished the story yet I am able to catch Pokémon and to trade them with others. As I already mentioned in my first post I like to find things for others and thats why I opened my service already ;) . All beginnings are difficult but not impossible.</t>

Re: ✰ Polyxena's hunting service ✰


<t>Adamant Aerodactyl (rock head)<br/>

atk : 28-31<br/>

deff : 20+<br/>

spd : 28-31<br/>

spatk : x<br/>

spdeff : 20+<br/>

hp : 20+<br/>


Bold Venusaur (chrolophyl)<br/>

atk : x<br/>

deff : 25+<br/>

spd : 20+<br/>

spatk : 25+<br/>

spdeff : 25+<br/>

hp : 20+<br/>


Jolly Gliscor (Poison Heal)<br/>

atk : 20+<br/>

deff : 20+<br/>

spd : 28-31<br/>

spatk : x<br/>

spdeff : 20+<br/>

hp : 20+<br/>


Bold Blissy (Natural Cure)<br/>

atk : x<br/>

deff : 20+<br/>

spd : 20+<br/>

spatk : 20+<br/>

spdeff : 20+<br/>

hp : 20+<br/>


Modest Lapras (Water Absorb)<br/>

atk : x<br/>

deff : 25+<br/>

spd : 25+<br/>

spatk : 25+<br/>

spdeff : 25+<br/>

hp : 25+</t>

Re: ✰ Polyxena's hunting service ✰


<r>** Update ** <br/>


At the moment I can't take any more big orders, because of the fact that many players want epic Pokes it takes me a long time to find them. Furthermore please only add "<B><s></s><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>realistic</GLOW><e></e></B><i>[/glow]</i>" orders for somebody who has just got the 5th badge and no membership ;-)<br/>


<GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>So I have always space for easier orders like (pls catch me a bold clefairy with IVs 10+)<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>


But if you want me to find the most epic Poke on this server please have in mind that this will take some time <E>:Smile:</E> .</r>

Re: ✰ Polyxena's hunting service ✰


<t>♢ IGN: Nyrreek<br/>

♢ Pokémon you want to have: scyther or scizor<br/>

♢ Nature: adamant<br/>

♢ Ability: Technician<br/>

♢ IVs: atk 29/30/31 , def 29/30/31 , speed 15+ , spdef 25+ , hp 25+<br/>

♢ Gender: any</t>

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