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i discoverd that i've a weird bug going on my account for the past 2 days,
1. i cannot leave my guild.
2. i cant seem to be online or whatever,   ( im online but it shows that im offline)
3.  people cannot see my PM'S,   for example,   when i say Hi,  It doenst show up for them, but it does for me.

everything else works perfectly.

Praise the lord bidoof.


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10 hours ago, Wacht said:


i discoverd that i've a weird bug going on my account for the past 2 days,
1. i cannot leave my guild.
2. i cant seem to be online or whatever,   ( im online but it shows that im offline)
3.  people cannot see my PM'S,   for example,   when i say Hi,  It doenst show up for them, but it does for me.

everything else works perfectly.

Hi there!

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Please provide us a video evidence and screenshot of your issue.
I'll be waiting for a reply.

Kind regards,



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1 hour ago, Wacht said:

has you can see, i tried to leave the guild, but i was unable to leave,
and when im online, it shows that im ofline everywhere.

Please try the command /gleave.
Can people message you ingame or not?



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36 minutes ago, Wacht said:

I tried that already,  doenst work.


Yes people can pm me.


Try to open your console and type in clean reg.

I've forwarded your issue to the devs as well.



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19 hours ago, Wacht said:

Ye thnx,


I've tried the clean reg  but that also doesnt work..

You have been removed from your old guild.



 【 General Support ✘ Bug Resolution CenterComplaints Area ✘ Report Center 】


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