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I've been wanting to come back to play PRO, but when I tried logging in with the account name I thought I had I was set back at the start. I quit the game somewhere in around 2015 and I still have this screenshot from when I played it with my friends. (I'm Justaratho). I've also put in a screenshot of my League account with the same JustAratho name. https://gyazo.com/b18a7cbb32f14b9933889a5e90d27ebf


I hope you will be able to help me resolve this.

Kind regards,


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You would need to choose the server you played on in the past. After that you can choose to play on Silver or Gold since you can transfer your progress, items, pokemon etc. between servers using the dashboard. You can transfer once for free every 30 days and every other additional transfer will cost 100 coins.

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