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I have no idea how hard it is to make but I would like to suggest ingame calendar.

The base idea is to actually PLAN EVENTS like outbreaks, world quests, some seasonal events (e.g Halloween), stuff like that.

Sure. But WHY?

First of all, not everyone is using Discord. It would be much easier for players to see if there's something going on already or when is the closest event.

Following that, the Staff would no longer be able to move the events like they usually do and players would be able to actually plan their time to participate in whatever the event.


I think it's great idea, I don't think it's gonna make it into the game though. There's probably too much work with it and staff would be forced to keep an eye on the deadlines which would be the toughest thing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Sometimes we hurt people so much
That there is no way to fix their soul...
And we lose them

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it would be pretty useless considering the only time events would be added to this calendar would be the day of, and the only notice of removal would be a few hours before.

outbreaks as well, world quests are like the only thing given mild announcement for. and the non regular things are like safari weekend, or this hunt right now. so imo -1


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