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A few suggestions from a new player!



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Hello guys, I'm Blaisu and I've played PRO for around 40 hours. While many of you will think that it's not a lot, I believe that it's enough to see that this game could use a few improvements. Although it's a really awesome game there is a couple of things which in my opinion would make the game a bit more enjoyable.


[glow=red]1. Trading items[/glow]


This has probably been posted a million times, and there is a reason why. Trading items would make everything so much smoother and wouldn't be a game breaking mechanic, especially when trading a lot of one item (e.g. berries).


[glow=red]2. FAQ in the client[/glow]


The help channel is basically my secondary entertainment when I'm doing long and boring tasks such as EV training, so I notice this quite a lot. A lot of people keep asking the same game-related questions such as where to get a bike, how to get the potion on S.S Anne etc. I think it would be quite nice to have an FAQ inside the client. Now I do understand that you guys probably want forum views, but I believe it would be better for new players to have a small window in the client where they can click on questions that they're looking for answers to. Obviously for longer quests or specific Pokemon related stuff there will still be the forums and help channel, so they won't become redundant.


[glow=red]3. An incentive system for helpful players[/glow]


Now this may just be my greedy self pushing through, but I would really love to see some sort of point system to reward helpful players. Being able to click "Give Credit" while right clicking someone's name in Help chat would give veteran players some sort of motivation to help others instead of sending them to forums. Additionally, when recruiting staff, you will be able to see how helpful someone is. The one issue I can see with this would be credit trading/farming, which could possibly be reduced by setting a limit of crediting a single player once per day/week.


[glow=red]4. A player profile[/glow]


This one is pretty straight-forward. It would be nice to have an extra option in the right click menu to see a player's profile, showing his badges, PvP rating and Pokemon team which you could set as hidden. This could also just mean making a player's Trainer card public.



For now this is all I could think of, I shall be adding more/writing another post when I think of more. For now let me know what you think. Peace! :High_Five:

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1. I believe this may happen sometime in fhe future. But not right now.


2. This isn't exactly a game for pokemon newbies. We made (and are still making) PRO for experienced pokemon players or just MMO players in general. Now, ths guides that are available on the forums are players helping other players. We aren't Nintendo, so we do as little hand-holding as possible.


3. You have already listed why this shouldn't happen. We only have 1 programmer, and he is working on things far more importsnt and pressing than a points system, such as server stability, hoenn integration, things of that nature. So i don't see this happening.


4. This will be happening sometime in the future. However again, due to things explained in point 3, it won't happen for a while.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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