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is this a troll



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haha, this is quite funny. I, myself, would have definitely sat there trying stuff for a LOOOOONG time trying to get the dang master ball, hehe.

[glow=white]berad[/glow] [glow=blue]Blue server[/glow]

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i said plural, because if you have progressed enough, you would find that there are beginning quests for Celebi, and the legendary dogs. Although these arent catchable at this time.


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128994 you can get master ball from pvp. That's all I can tell

ok nice


T̴̝̖̯͉̜̳̋̋̊̐͛̕E̸̢̤̼͈͔͊̃̀̈́̕͠ͅĀ̴̧̻̟̞̣̰̐̿̄͆͂M̴̘̤̣̘̯̺͌̐̃̃̂̑ ̸̞̗̞̘͖̈́͂͛̐́̕ͅP̷͎̹̟̦̮̏̍̋̇̏̅͜Ḻ̵̬̻͙̞̘͗̐̉̔̂̌Ả̴̪̫͓̥̱͐̀͆͜͠͠Ş̷̹̘̹̹͕̈́̓̌͛́̑M̵͖̰̲̟̺̝̓̑͊̂̿̕A̴̡̛͉̫̲͚̼̎̊̎́̇ ̴̧̭͓̱̩͇͒͆̅͗̆̑Ŗ̵̪̼͍͇̲̍́̇͐̒̿U̴̡̖̖̘͇̫̓̐̾̓͊̉L̸͚̻͚̗̺͓̃͆̋͝͝͝Ȩ̶͇̣͖̻̰͒̓̒͛̈́͝Z̵̧̰͔͓̭͖͌̿͌̃́͘ ><*

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