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RC dissapeared and cannot login or change password


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Hello. I checked my bag because I wanted to use my rare candy. When I opened it all my rare candies disappeared. Had about 60-70 of them. I am not sure when it happened but i did heathran quest recently and I read a forum topic about dissapearing of rc during q. Anyway in first place i though i was hacked so i quickly went to change my password on site. I entered new password I cant login now. When i try to send mail to myself to reset it nothing happens its loading but loading never ends and i dont get msg that mail has been send to me. So I lost my rc and I cant log in and I cant switch my password. Help pls 🙂

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Hey, your rare candies and master balls will be taken if you start the heatran quest. That is not a bug but intended and you get them back once you finished the quest.

The email-service has some issues currently which is why stuff like resetting your password may not work unfortunately. You would need to wait until that issue has been dealt with for now.

Also it sounds like that you changed your password and wasnt able to login after that? Could it be that you used some special characters like !"§$%&/()=?`*'-.,:_;é for example? You dont need to give any details regarding this but once the service works again make sure to only use normal letters and numbers to avoid any issues with the login.

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Ok i guess need finish q. Thanks for answer.

With login it was strange i changed pass only in first spot without confirmation and after that i couldnt change it or send mail or login.

Msg is incorrect password or username when i try to login. I guess need to wait for server fix

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