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Larvitar in Kanto


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130329 Mt silver is in johto. Period.


Mt Silver is Kanto. Pokemons you catch in Mt Silver are Kanto mons and can be traded with people who have just gotten the 4th KANTO badge. Period. If you dont believe me GO THERE and catch a larvitar and PrintScreen it to prove me wrong

Things got unclear again, nice :confused:


EDIT: i've never been there, but is it possible that the mount is partially in Kanto and partially in Jhoto?

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130329 Mt silver is in johto. Period.


Mt Silver is Kanto. Pokemons you catch in Mt Silver are Kanto mons and can be traded with people who have just gotten the 4th KANTO badge. Period. If you dont believe me GO THERE and catch a larvitar and PrintScreen it to prove me wrong

Things got unclear again, nice :confused:


EDIT: i've never been there, but is it possible that the mount is partially in Kanto and partially in Jhoto?



I cheked it and caught random pokes from mt silver. here are my screenshots:


route 28:

kanto --> gvZvXIW.png

mt silver exterior:

johto --> oGMMldB.png

mt silver 1f:

johto --> OSIMlul.png

mt silver lower mountainside (you can catch larvitar here):

johto --> OT5Fmy0.png


So only one part of mt. silver area belongs to kanto. And that is only route 28.


I hope there are no confusion any more.

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130329 Mt silver is in johto. Period.


Mt Silver is Kanto. Pokemons you catch in Mt Silver are Kanto mons and can be traded with people who have just gotten the 4th KANTO badge. Period. If you dont believe me GO THERE and catch a larvitar and PrintScreen it to prove me wrong


I took your words literally: I went to Mt. Silver and cought a Larvitar. That's it YtQLLwv.png


You're wrong, case closed.

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